chapter 7

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I just had a wonderful experience with my cousins and had sudden inspiration. Plus I'm dying for fluff. So welcome to another chapter were Appolinia's only purpose is to move the plot. Also I've never been ice skating so I'm  winging the instructions.

It was the middle of February, and Leah had been having a stressful week. Her friend/roommate had almost got her in trouble with the I.R.S, her strange dreams kept bugging her, and on top of that she couldn't get the night with Carter out of her mind. She was about on the edge of having a break down. There was a sudden knock on the door, Leah sighed and got up from the couch and answered it.
    "Oh Jun, Appolina is getting ready wanna come in." Leah said. Jun and Appolina had started dating a little after she moved in. They often went out and Leah was honestly grateful to have the insane OCD woman out of her hair. Jun walked in and behind him was exactly the person she didn't want to see.
   "Oh,uh, I can wait outside if you need me to..." Carter said fiddling with his fingers. "No,no, come in." Leah said a little too quickly and hugh pitched. She moved out of the way as Carter hesitantly walked in. There was a bit of an awkward silence till Appolinia walked into the room.
    "Oh, did I keep you waiting for long?" She asked. Leah shook her head as she stoped leaning on the  door. As they were heading out Appolinia turned around and looked at Leah, "Are you doing anything today Leah?" Leah kinda looked around the room avoiding any kind of eye contact. "Yeah! I'm uh...going to Hot Topic! And the bookstore! You guys have fun." She said trying to get Appolinia out the door, she failed. Appolinia  grabbed her hand and shook her head. "Nuh uh. You're coming with us." She
Said dragging her out the door. Leah didn't fight back she knew it was useless.
     In the back of the car Leah sat with her arms crossed looking out the window.
    "Stop sulking,Leah." Appolinia said sighing. Leah kept silent and stared out the window. The silence was awkward till Jun stoped the car at Starks pond.
    "What are we doing here?" Leah asked confused.
     "Ice skating." Jun simply said opening his door. The others followed suite. Appolinia went to trunk and grabbed two pairs of skates and grabbed Leahs arm dragging her to a bench. "You planed this didn't you?" Leah asked looking at the skates. "Maybe." Appolinia  mumbled. Leah sighed, "I don't  even know how to skate." Appolinia finished tiying her laces. "Me neither." She said. Leah looked at her quizzidly "Doesn't France get a lot of snow?" She asked. Appolinia shook her head, "Only the mountains. I'm  from Paris, it's  rare for it to snow." She got up, "Are you coming?" Leah shook her head. Appolinia shrugged her shoulder's and started walking to the pond. Leah sighed she didn't  bring her book so she couldn't read, what the hell was she suppose to do.
    "Hey, are going to um skate...?" The voice made Leah's stomach drop. "No, I don't  really know how..." Leah answered with an awkward laugh. Carter scratched the back of his neck nervously, "I could show you how, if you want?" He offered. Leah was parilized.
    What the fuck do I  do!?! He's  being too fucking adorable right now! Wait what?! Ahhh! You know what! Fuck it!
    "Alright." Leah said blankly. She got up and grabbed the skates beside her. They walked to the far side of the pond away from Jun and Appolinia. Leah sat on the side and put on her skates real quick then got up. "Okay what now?" She asked. Carter stepped on the ice and held out his hand, "You might want to hold on if this is your first time." Carter said not looking at her to hide the small blush dusted on his cheeks. Leah hesitantly grabbed his hand and stepped on the ice, her knees imidatly began to wobble. "Okay so you have to keep your ankles balanced." Carter insructed. Leah tried straitening them, it took a minute but they finally did. "Now all you have to do is glide." He said gliding a bit pulling her a long with him. Leah's eyes widen and her air got caught in her throat, Carter noticing her panic stoped and grabbed her other hand. "It's okay, small steps." He said calmly. Leah looked in his eyes and blushed a bit, she glided her right foot forward and fell into his chest. By now her face was a tomato, and she didn't know it but his was too. "That's pretty good...for a first try..." Carter stammered out. "Better than Emile he got mad and stomped on the ice, he fell through." Leah tried to hold back her laughter. She failed.

~Small timeskip~

     Leah finally got a hold of what was doing. Her and Carter skated a bit and talked. Leah was glad she came she actually had a lot of fun,but of course it was because she always happy when she was around Carter, but she would never admit that.
    "Hey Leah, can I ask you somthing?" Carter asked stopping his skates. Leah did the same and nodded. "The um the night of the family reunion. When we you know um..." Carter trailed off trying to think of what to say, "What did it mean to you. You don't have to answer! If you don't want to! I was just wondering..." he finished looking down at his skates. Leah looked down too to hide her blush, "It ment a lot." She mumbled. Carter looked up at her, "would you like to um go out sometime?" He asked quietly barly audible. Leah was screaming inside her head, she had buttlerflys in her stomach and millions of thoughts were rushing through her brain. She nodded, maybe too quickly, but it was enough. Carter had a small half smile on his face, "where do I  pick you up?" Leah calmed down a bit enough to answer his question. "Saturday at 8:00 I guess, you already know were my house is." She said. Carter nodded, "Okay."
"Okay" Leah answered back.(hehe see what I did there~) the two started leaning in uncounsly till there lips connected for a sweet split second.

Jun and Appolinia looked over at them totally not stalking them.
    "Told you they liked each other." Appolinia said holding out her hand. Jun grumbled and smacked a 20 into her hand.
    "Betcha Leah is going to say I love you first." Jun said. "Pfft no!" Appolinia said rolling her eyes. "Oh really, bet you 40$." Jun said cockyly. "Your on."

Sorry it was short but hey you got your fluff!

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