Chapter 9

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   Silently Leah ate her salad which tasted as if everything was from the back dumpster at 7-11,though anything was better then awkward eyecontact at this point. But the glances she did catch,Carter was too busy knawing at the somehow raw/half cooked frozen stake,Leah was starting to wonder how much of a budget carter actually had for this date. Sighing Leah went to sip her coffee only to have something hard slip down her throat,she felt her chest tightened,and was gasping for sips of air only to make disturbing hacking sounds. Carter stood up abruptly,panicking,and proceeded to pick up Leah and squeeze her stomach until she hacked out what appeared to be a bone. Carter sat her down as she started wheezing finally able to breath,not paying any mind to the few staring eyes.
    "Shit,are you okay?!" Panicked Carter as he started patting Leah's back,she didn't reply only grabbed Carter's hand and ran out of the restaurant. Ignoring Carters yelling and questions she stopped at a near by park finally letting go of his hand,she sat at a bench panting.

   "Theres no way I'm letting you give a profit to something that almost killed me." She explained putting a hand on her chest trying to catch her breath. "Oh um..what about you bike?"
"I'll have apple get it in the morning."
"The paranoid clean freak that lives with me,you know Appolinia"

   It was silent again after,but this time it wasn't awkward,the two weren't nervous wrecks and everything was surprisingly calm. Carter sat beside Leah and after a few minutes he wrapped his arm around her. The two looked up at the stars in a peaceful silence,it all seemed too familiar,almost like deja vu.

   "Sorry for ruining tonight" Leah said breaking the silence."

   "Dont take all the credit,I was the one who looked for the cheapest place to go,besides this is kinda nice." Carter replied looking down at his hands his face feeling like a heat lamp. "Well um,I almost died so you owe me another date." Leah blurted out now turning red herself. Carter smiled at her, "I wouldn't mind that."

   Smoke filled the air while the sound of cards shuffling followed.

    "For christ sakes would you put that out?"

     "Work was stressful,geez." A woman with black coal hair sighed while putting out her cigarette in a ash tray.

     "Anyone know why Carter isnt here?"a large man with a thick mustache that made him look like a biker dad asked.

       "He's out with Leah,you know that barrista girl from the cafe he talks about." Jun replied,shuffling out the cards. "Aww that's sad I didn't get to talk to him at the cook out thing." The coal haired girl said lighting another cigarette. This earned a eyeroll from Kat as she snatched it away. "I can hardly breath in here Linda."
"Yeah,yeah whatever tell mister doom and gloom over there to stop sharpening that knife and get over here or we're starting without him." Linda said annoyed,taking the opportunity to relight the cigarette while Kat was gone.

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