Chapter 3

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This is a song based chapter. My mistake was listening to Waitress's soundtrack while writing this. Sorry if you don't like these types of fanfic's (couldn't find the cast recording sorry)

It had been a week later since that day. Everything was going normal. School,work,more school you get the gist. Though Appolinia had been acting different but she already told Leah about what happened and the whole thing with Jun. Which just made Leah ship them more. Something else was different though Leah had started having the same dream every night but she would always forget it when she woke up. It got to the point she couldn't shrug it off and it was bothering her. Well anyway at the moment she was studying for midterms at the moment but her mind kept wondering back to Carter. Leah was never good with weird emotions but it was obvious she had developed a crush,she would never admit to that though. Suddenly she got a text from Appolinia

Hey um are you free at the moment? Can I come over?

Leah thought for a moment.

Is something wrong?

She texted back. She waited a moment and Appolinia texted back.


Okay come over.

Thank you!

No problem.

Leah got up and tidy up her place a bit and put on something that made her look like she actually got up that day. After about 13 minutes there was a rapid knock on the door that made Leah think of a woodpecker. When she opened the door Appolinia was standing there panting almost looking like a crazy woman. "Jesus christ are you okay? Come in sit down and calm your breathing." Leah said leading Appolinia to the living room that was connected with the kitchen. Leah grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and sat down next to Appolinia and handed it to her. Appolinia took a drink and and calmed down a bit.
"Okay care to explain?" Asked Leah.
"Jun asked me on a date." She said taking Another drink of water. Leah was confused she was sure Appolinia liked Jun it was really,really, obvious.
"Isn't that a good thing?" Asked Leah. Appolinia looked at her and and took a breath. "Leah..." She began.
"I stick with real things usually facts and figures. When information's in its place I minimize the guessing game." She said then looked at Leah and asked. "Guess,what?"
"What?" Leah asked. Appolinia continued.
"I don't like guessing games or when I feel things before I know the feelings.How am supposed to operate if I'm just tossed around by fate? Like on an unexpected date." She got up at this point and was fiddling with her hair and talking to herself mostly.
"With a stranger who might talk to fast,or ask me questions about myself before I've decided that, he can ask me about myself. He might sit too close,or call the waiter by his first name. Or eat oreos,but eat the cookie before the cream?" She stoped for a minute and turned to Leah and continued.
"But what scares me the what if when he sees me. What if he doesn't like it? What if he runs the other way and i can't hide from it...?What happens then? If when he knows me,he's only disappointed? What if i give myself away,to only get it given back. I couldn't live with that..." She paused and sat down and took a drink of water. "So I'm just fine inside my shell shaped mind,this way i get the best that when he sees me,I want him to." She stoped seemingly satisfied.
"Appolinia don't you think you're being little,I mean maybe just a tad-" Leah was cut off by Appolinia.
"I'm not defensive!" She said defensively. "I'm simply being cautious. I can't risk reckless dating due to my miscalculating while. A certain suitor stands in line, I've seen in movies,most made for television, you cannot be to careful when it comes to sharing your life. I could end up a miserable wife!" She started panting again shaking she finished off her water. Leah was about to say something but Appolinia stood up abruptly.
"Sorry Leah,BUT HE COULD BE CRIMINAL! Some sort of psychopath who escape from an institution somewhere where they don't have girls. He could have mastermind some way to find me." At this point Leah had gave up and went to the fridge and got her another water. She brought it to Appolinia who took a drink settinging it down on the table in front of the coach. Leah sat down and Appolinia followed. Leah thought she finally calmed down.
"HE COULD BE COLORED BLIND!" She shouted suddenly. "How untrustworthy is that. He could be less than kind." Leah sighed. This will is taking longer than i thought. She thought as she looked at Appolinia who was messing with her hair again.
"Or even worse he could be very nice,have lovely eyes,and make me laugh,come out of hiding...what do I do with that?" Appolinia shook her head
"Oh god what if he sees me, I like him and he knows it. What if he opens up a door and I can't close it?." She looked at Leah with wide eyes and continued,"what happens then? If when he holds me,my heart is set in motion. I'm not prepared for that I'm scared of breaking open. But still i can't help from hoping to find someone to talk to. Who likes the way I am...Someone who when he sees me wants to again." Appolinia finished freaking out and chugged the water in her second bottle of water. "Look why not just say no...?" Leah asked. Appolinia looked at her with wide eyes and Leah braced herself.
"I like him though,I don't know why but I do...YOU CAN COME WITH ME!" She suddenly shouted. Leah's eyes widen and she started waving her arms. "No no no no no. Listen I ca-" she was cut off once again by Appolinia. "And why not his friend needs a see it's like a family reunion thing. You know his friend too! What was his name Carmen...Cartmen...carter?" At this point Leah started blushing. A date with carter? She wouldn't be able to handle it. She looked at Appolinia who looked so hopeful. Maybe I could just go as a friend...yeah.yeah I'll tell carter the situation and then I can for Appolinia. "Okay... I'll go." Leah said sighing. Appolinia tackled her into a hug. "Thank you thank you! Your the greatest friend ever!" Leah was frozen friend? She thought. Appolinia looked at her worried. "Are you okay?" She asked. Leah looked at her and nervously fiddled with her fingers. "You consider me a friend?" She asked. Appolinia looked at her quizzical than laughed. "Of course i do now um...its dark out do you mind if i stay the night.?" She asked laughing nervously. Leah gave a small smile barely noticeable "Yeah you can."

Hope you enjoyed!

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