Chapter One

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"Homicide still continues, now only twenty-one dead at the Ching-Wong restaurant. The suspect wasn't found, but we are still looking for them."

Five Months Later...

"Three teenage boys found dead in Turkey Hill suspect not found yet."

One Year Later...

"We haven't found the suspect but we have his name, Ink Mye Comyet"

Two Years Later...

"Ink Mye Comyet, a homicide killer-- has murdered twenty-six people and thirty-one monsters at a local park New York. Many reports says that he's been--crying while killing them"

Three Years Later...

"Ink Mye Comyet who is a homicide has finally got arrested. After fifteen years of finding him they got him. The amount of monsters he killed-- 3567 the amount of humans 3689 that's a total of 7256"

- Present -

"Have fun in there monster" the Doctor said as he pushed Ink in a white empty room. Ink was scrapped so he couldn't do anything. He looked down on the ground. Imagining things in his head.

His eyes were pure white he had no feelings whatsoever He can't feel a single thing. He remembered himself being scrapped in court and with a bunch of people, juries and SCPD in court.

He had noone that was going to defend him. Alot of people wanted Ink to die because of how many he had killed. He travels around the world to kill people. He didn't care who he killed, he had killed grandparents, parents, and even children.

He had faked many names of himself so he can get away. Ink Mye Comyet is a manipulated mastermind that can get away with everything but not this. Not anymore

"Ink Mye Comyet are you sorry for what you have done?" The judge said as he fixed his glasses. Ink looked up at him and gently smiled, "No, no I am not" everyone started screaming at him, and throwing him trash.

"Case close" the judge hits the hammer on his desk.

They took Ink and went to the asylum. Everyone were still screaming. "Die you useless bitch!" A monster said as he threw an apple at him. "You shouldn't be alive!" another monster said and threw him to the ground.

The SCPD stand by and let people do whatever they want. They were watching Ink getting kicked and spit on.

"I'll get out soon when I have the chance" Ink looked up.

. . .Few Years Later. . .

Error Queen -Point of View-

"Error you know your my favorite guy right?" My boss said as he puts a hand on my shoulder. "Um..yea?" I chuckled nervously.

"You've being working non stop during nights and nights. Don't you get tired at all?" he said removing his hand from me. "Well I don't to be honest I'm always up and--" he cut me off "hush pretend you are Error" the boss said and I frowned.

"You are taking a break for two weeks" my eyes widened, "sir but--" "oh you want more breaks why don't you just say so?" why do I have a boss like him. "One month it is" he smiled and I sighed.

"Here's your check of three thousand dollars, now run along go with your wife-" I cut him off saying I don't have a wife. "How can noone love you? You are adorable" he squeezes my cheeks and shuts the door.

I sigh and walked towards my car. I got in, started my car than drove off. I heard my phone rang and I picked it up seeing that it was Nightmare. I picked up "yea?" I said through the phone line.

"Hey Error would you mind talking with Killer because he wouldn't talk to me I have no clue why" I heard Nightmare sigh. "Sure" I responded and hung up.

I went to the hospital asylum, found a parking spot, parked there, turned off my car and got out.

I entered the building "hello who are you?" a human said wearing a long white cloth. "I'm here to see Killer...Killer Rahafwabas" the female nodded. "I'll take you to him but you need to write out this form" the female said as she gave me a vector.

After a few minutes I was done and had it back to her, I followed her to Killers room and as she opened the door Killer was surprised to see me and ran to give me a hug. Until the woman pushed him back. "Physical contact isn't allowed in here" she left the room and one person guard the door.

I frowned, I turn to look at him "how are you?" I said, "I'm doing well what about you?" I smiled and said "I'm fine as well."

"Why are you here Error?" Killer asked as he sat on his bed. "I came here because Nightmare told me to check on you because you won't talk to him" I said. Killer looked down "people are saying that he is cheating on me so that's why I've never called him..." he lays down facing the wall.

"Who said that?" I said as I frown. "The people that are working here" he whimpers and curled up like a ball.

"Don't listen to them Killer! They are nothing they lie to other patients as well so that they can make them think that they are useless" I screamed, I see a male monster coming in. "Alright that's enough talking for today" he says as he pushed me out of the room.

"Go home" he says as I stormed away. I started walking in different corridors. It's been five minutes, am I going to the wrong way? I soon heard banging. I flinched and stepped back slowly. "Hello?..." I yelled as I was shaking. The banging stopped, "hello?" I heard them say.

I walked over to see who it was in the cell that was banging. I see a white skeleton who's hand is on the wall. When he turned around our eyes meet. We both stared for a few seconds until he broke the moment. "Who are you?" he asked coming close to the door. "Well...I'm Error...Error Queen and you are?" I said smiling.

He shook his head, "wait you don't know me?" he was confused. "No? Should I?" I lift an eyebrow. He laughed, "well I, Ink Mye ... Comyet... is the most homicide monster in the world" he smiled. "Right..." I chuckled.

"Why are you here though?" I asked. He frowned, "you are stupid...I killed over a few thousand people over the years" he bang on the door and I took a quick step back.

"Why are there error signs on your body?" he questioned as he stares at my body. "I was born with mother didn't had them nor did my father" I said. "Can you tell me more about yourself? I'm interested" he leans closer to the door.

"No...I need to go..." I said as I turned around to leave. "Nice ass" I heard him say as I quickly turned around to look at him. He smirked at me and winked, I started blushing.

"What? Never got a compliment about your ass?" he chuckled and banged on the door. I stepped back, "I have a secret to tell you" he looked left and right.

I was confused, all I did was just staring at him. "Come closer" he says looking at me. I walked close to him. "I need to whisper in your ear so that I can tell you" he says smiling. I rolled my eyes and move even more close to him.

"Release me...I can fuck you hard in just about one second" I immediately jumped away from him. "Oh man! Pfft haha!" Ink laughed loudly. "You should've look at your face!" I heard footsteps coming.

"Hey! Your not supposed to be here!" I heard a female say as she was holding a food tray. "I'm sorry I got lost and I ended up being here" I scratch the back of my head.

"Here's your food" the human threw the food inside the cell. "Hey that's not nice!" I yelled. "He's a murderer!" The woman yelled.

"Homicide" Ink said.

"You know what you need to leave!" she pushed me way to the exit of the building and kicked me out. I looked back, "I'll be looking him up on google" I stood up and went to the parking lot. Got in my car, turned it on and left.

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