Chapter Two

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Error Queen -Point of View-

I open my laptop that was on my desk in my office. I put in my password and open up chrome.

I searched up Ink Mye Comyet...

What I saw was not what I was expecting. There was a video of him online killing people in Siberia. I pressed on the video and it shows him brutally torturing the human to the ground outside on the snow.

There was blood on the snow it was shocking to see this. I exit it out and find more videos of him.

"How come I never heard of him?" I said to myself. I clicked on the link that shows information about Ink.

It says that Ink Mye Comyet is known to be a homicidal monster. "Ink Mye Comyet always had homicidal thoughts since he was just a kid at year seven, during his interview with the therapist. He said he wanted to torture the people like he imagined in his thoughts that's why he kills..." I gulp this is getting very frightening.

There's a voice clip of Ink. I clicked on it.

"I never been a sociable person. All my life people hated me because I was an orphan, when I was at school people would pick on me. Called me names like slut, bitch, twat, bellend.

Teachers didn't care they just laugh along with them. I was alone, soon I began having thoughts on hurting the people who hurt me. It's been going on for years now, it doesn't stop. It won't stop

I ran away, changed my name in every place I go so people won't recognize me I started to kill. Killing is the only thing that brings joy"

It went on static, poor Ink. I never knew his past life was like this. I wish I could've helped him but I didn't knew him years before.

"What should I do?!" I said as I walked around my room. "Should I go back to him?" "No! He'll flirt with me like he did before" I looked at the picture of Ink that was on my laptop.


"I'm sorry but he's prohibited from being seen" The doctor said as he went back working on his computer.

"Please? It won't be long I promise!" I begged as I step close to him. I frown and looked different directions. No-one was near, I put my mouth close to his ear and starting whispering to him.

I pulled away and smiled at him. He looked up at me and smirked.


"You've got ten minutes" the doctor said as he opens the door he than kissed me and walked away closing the door shut. I know you must be confused but I'm actually known as a slut because I used to work at a stripper club before. Never mind that!

"Ink...?" I asked as I saw him layed on the ground. He sat up and looked at me. "Hello?" He said confused. "Do you remember me? I was the one who talked to you yesterday..." I smiled. I put down my backpack and gave it to him.

"What is this?" He said as he opens the backpack.

"Supplies, I don't know what you like so I gave you a notebook and pencil" I said as I sat next to him.

He immediately moved away from me, "sorry I'm not used to sit next to someone" he opens the notebook. "So...I've done research about you...and I want to ask you more questions" I layed down.

"I'm sorry but I don't like answering questions to my fans" he started moving the pencil on the notebook.

"When we're you born?" I asked. He groans, "I told you I'm not answering you're questions my life is my business not yours," his eyes turned red.

"Gee, sorry" I put my hands up and looked away. "Does it get boring with not having anything to do here" I was waiting for him to answer but it got quiet. "Ink?" I said and looked back where Ink was sitting but he wasn't there, I got up. This room is white and small how could he be gone? Perhaps the door was left open.

I turned around seeing him. "Boo" he pushed me back to the ground. He held up my hands and hold both of them tightly. He started sniffing me mostly on my neck. "You smell great what you put on?" he smirked as he looked up at me.

"That's none of your business..." I hissed at him. "Well aren't you a angry little fella I hope you don't mind this," Ink pressed his lips against mine. The kiss felt wonderful never in my life have I felt someone kissed me like this before.

Soon we started hear footsteps. Ink broke the kiss and got off of me.

He stood far away from me and and held up the notebook with the pencil as he pretends to write. I was standing so still afraid that we almost got caught. Someone opened the door and it was the doctor that kissed me.

"Ten minutes is up you need to leave" the doctor said. I grabbed my backpack, "wait won't you need this notebook and pencil?" Ink asked. I turned around and smiled, "keep it I have lots" I walked out of the room.

The doctor closes the door and we both walked down the hall together. "About what you said to me. I'll meet your house at night here's my number, text me you're address once you get home" I smirked at him. "Alright doctor" I leaned on against him then I kissed him.

"See ya" I walked away from him and waved him goodbye. Once I was out of the building I starting grossing out. "I'm so stupid."

Notes- I deleted the scene of the--whatever-  because it was cringy for me and I didn't like it.

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