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Sipping the hot chocolate from the cafeteria at the library, I adjusted my position on the bean bag at the far corner near the window

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Sipping the hot chocolate from the cafeteria at the library, I adjusted my position on the bean bag at the far corner near the window. The library was the epitome of pure silence, where it was broken only by the light ruffling of pages, footsteps or a cough here and there. Row after row of neatly lined up books color coded with strips at the spine which were facing outward, this place felt like a paradise to me, considering the fact that I was a mind reader and I usually hear what's going on people's heads and it can be hell annoying.

Especially when I'm trying to concentrate.

I couldn't always hear their thoughts too, I could block myself from hearing them. I just needed to really focus on something and boom I wouldn't hear the endless chatter in my head.

But the second I stare at someone for more than 5 seconds, there it comes again. I just looked up to find my eyes fixed on a random blonde haired girl at the other end who was busy reading a book. No, pretending to read a book while her eyes were staring at the same page and she was lost in thought. All her shitty childhood problems, the cause of her depression, her 3rd breakup, how she copied the entire final exam and didn't get caught came swirling in my head; things that didn't matter to me and things that I probably shouldn't know. So why keep other people's problems in your head when you had enough and more yourself to deal with? I blinked, shifting my focus on to the book on my lap once more.

Now that is why I loved reading. It was my escape from reality. It wasn't always the fact that I was obsessed with books, but I wanted silence in my mind at least for a while. Music helped a lot too, but since I had left my earphones at home and I was too lazy to walk two blocks in the cold weather,  I chose to be comfortably seated on a puffy bean bag with a delicious hot chocolate in my hand.

I took another sip and flipped open the book. The new paper smell of it was strangely at odds with it's old fashioned and and faded leather cover, but I ignored it and read the first line in the preview.

''I've never loved someone the way I love you, and I'm never gonna let you go''

Another romance book. A yes from me.

Thinking back, I've never been in a proper relationship for all my 19 years. Sure, there were some good guys but they always didn't end well with me; realizing that the person didn't love me truly or so before he could ever tell, thanks to my mind reading skills. I avoided a lot of fake people and fake friends, thanks to that. There were no hard feelings, but we weren't compatible together. And that's the reason I began sticking to romance novels than living in a romance novel. It was always good cuz you knew that it wasn't your life or your feelings that were hurt in the end.

Sighing, I took another satisfying sip from the cup and read. The first line at the beginning of the story left me in a deep-shit-realization-mode for entire 2 minutes.

''Life was hard being an only child''

Sure it was. I almost smiled at the thought.

5 minutiaes later~~

The slight sound of the library door being pulled open made me look up from the book. It had started raining and I didn't realize it as I was lost in the lines of the novel in my hands. The raindrops peppered on the glass window near me; one slightly faster than the other, tapping the glass in a scattered but steady rhythm.

oh shit.

I didn't know whether I should curse at the fact that I didn't bring an umbrella or the fact that a tall handsome guy with silky red locks of hair where some strands, wet from the rain outside, stood stuck on his face as he panted softly while closing the door. He had an umbrella in his hand and he kept it in the stand near the door, moving towards the librarian's desk.

I didn't know how some of his hair got wet when he had an umbrella, but at that moment, I sure didn't care. It made him look hot as hell not forgetting his cute black nerdy glasses which were perched on his nose and the baggy pastel blue sweater that hung loosely over his shoulders.

The hairs on my arms rose and a cold chill ran down my spine.

I examined him carefully. His sharp features, his dark brown orbs, his perfectly symmetrical face, his thin lips and the tiny mole just before the tip of the right side of his nose which added a hint of uniqueness to his face. I watched closer, my eyes fixed on him as he spoke to the librarian in a low voice that his words were unheard. He turned to a side to take an application form on the left side of the table and he turned sideways oh god, his jawline really could be sharper than a knife.

I'm a very silent watcher and I really study people, especially when I someone for the first time. And this guy, he caught my eye like the millisecond he entered the library and my book was long forgotten.

Damn he was beautiful.

Not just beautiful either; he was ethereal. Ethereal in a way that his facial expressions reflected things that were beyond my imagination, ethereal in a way that he looked damn hot in a cute outfit, ethereal in a way when he suddenly smiled when the librarian said something to him and laughed lightly, in a cute rectangular shape smile, oh god I think I died.

I blinked, still staring at him intensely behind the book shelves. He couldn't see me yet but then something clicked in my head.

The thoughts.

I've been staring at him from the time he came here but I never heard the usual flow of the other person's thoughts, or his in this case, in my head.

I was admiring him too much that all what was in my mind was him and my thoughts. I tried again, pushing away my feelings from my head and shut my eyes while I took a deep breath.

Exhaling, I opened my eyes to find him only a few meters away from me.

He was seated at the front desk, scribbling the form on the table and my eyes moved straight to his face, my mind ringing in a slow countdown.






And for the first time in my life, I heard nothing.

A/N: Hii❤❤❤ I know I first published this story with a different plot but sadly, I saw a lot of those kinda ones here on wp so I didn't want to write with the same kind of beginning

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A/N: Hii❤❤❤ I know I first published this story with a different plot but sadly, I saw a lot of those kinda ones here on wp so I didn't want to write with the same kind of beginning. That's the reason why I published this again with another idea of mine which I think will be better than the one before. Sorry for those who read the last version, but I jhope u will support me with this too.Thank u so much for reading and I hope u would enjoy the story XD Updates might be slow but I'll surely try to update whenever I'm free. Do leave your votes n comments cuz I love to read them and they mean a LOT to me. Thanks again :)


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