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The second he opened the door, a gush of cold air and a chilly breeze hit me face first, taking me off guard

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The second he opened the door, a gush of cold air and a chilly breeze hit me face first, taking me off guard.

'Aishh' I covered my eyes with my palm and stepped out as he opened his umbrella, securing me from the cold.

I glanced up at him and he looked back, our gaze lingering.

'Here, come closer. You're gonna get soaked otherwise' he smiled gesturing me towards him as he held up the umbrella for both of us.

I had no idea why my heart started beating so fast the moment he said that. I took a deep inhale and edged closer, biting my lip unconsciously at the small distance between us. 

'Are you okay?' his voice rang out between the heavy sound of the rain splattering on the sidewalk. Puddles of water were already pooled on the ground, washing away the dusty surfaces and dirt. Trickles of liquid continued to hit the earth with much force and a startling rumble rang loud in the air making me gasp. I looked up. Darkened grey splotches of clouds threateningly surrounded the sky preparing for a storm.

His deep voice pulled me back to reality and I blinked as I stared at him.  A few tiny drops of rain were scattered across his black glasses that was perched on his nose as his gaze pierced me through his frames.

'Are you okay?' he repeated again as I didn't answer him before.

'Oh yeah' I nodded. 'Totally fine' I forced a smile, trying to hide the coldness of the atmosphere affecting me. 'It's just..rain is not my thing actually. I hate the cold weather and thunder is the worst'

He smiled knowingly. 'Let's get you going to your house quickly before it gets worse.'

'Mmhmm' I mumbled as I wrapped my arms around myself, battling the chills that ran all over me.

'Where is your house exactly?'

My lips were trembling at this point of the cold. 'I-I actually live in an apartment, that way' I pointed towards the left.

My boots splashed on the puddles as we walked. I was glad that I had at least worn my boots despite wearing 3 quarter jeans and a half sleeve croptop which was no good for this weather.He was actually better with brains since he wore a baggy blue sweater which was obviously long sleeve and much better than my stupid decision of an attire.  He was unusually quiet too, maybe he was lost in his own thoughts and was regretting the fact that he volunteered to drop me in the beginning. 

His soothing deep voice spoke again. 'By the way, I don't know how this was a coincidence, but I moved to an apartment a few days ago too' 

I raised my eyebrow taken aback. 'Really?? Well where?'

Holy shit if we were ended up in the same apartment block I'm gonna yeet myself outta here.

Wait, no. That couldn't happen. I was just overthinking the too good  to be true possibilities like in those y/n fanfictions ugh.

'I don't know whether you know but-' he hesitated for a second. 'J8 Seoul Square?'

Okay, let me yeet myself outta here real quick.

I opened my mouth but I couldn't speak anything as no words came out. I plainly stared at him in shock for an actual minute, trying to register what he said.

Maybe I just heard it wrong.

'You said J8 Seoul Square right?? like the one in Yongsan-gu? near the station?' I asked trying to confirm the knot in my chest that this wasn't some kind of a prank.

'Ohh you know it too?? Yeah that's exactly the one' he said surprised.

I smiled. 'Okay..... so weird coincidence, we both live in the same building'

'Wait WHAT? Really?' his voice came out louder than before. 'You're just kidding right?'

'I am in no position to be kidding right now so please lets go home quickly or I think I will die in the cold.' I whispered, my body starting to shiver.

He glanced at me and came to an abrupt halt. 'Wait'

'Why?' I was confused.

'Just hold the umbrella for me for a sec' he handed me the umbrella and I took it, puzzled.

Before I could think anything else, he took hold of the hem of his sweater and pulled it upwards over his head.

'Aish, WHAT ON EARTH do you think you're doing???' I almost screamed as I shut my eyes quickly.

A warm feeling touched my shoulders and I blinked my eyes open to see that he was wearing a  white shirt underneath and his sweater now pulled over my arms, blocking the cold. The shivers that were running through my skin gradually stopped and I looked up at him to see him with a smile.

'Lets go' he took hold of the umbrella again, pulling me closer.

My cheeks grew hot and I knew they would probably be redder than a tomato right now. I gulped, and tried to calm down my heart from hammering in my chest from his affectionate gesture.

'Thank you' I mumbled, glad that the chilly breeze was locked away from me. I realized as I begun to talk with him that he was such a gentlemen and a nice guy that I almost immediately grew comfortable around him than I thought it would be.

'Don't mention it' he was still smiling as he said it.




If only I had ever known that this day would be the start of it all.

A/N: Here is ur much awaited update!!! Thank you so much for reading and for the support❤❤ Do vote if you liked the chapter and leave your thoughts :) I hope everyone is doing well

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A/N: Here is ur much awaited update!!! Thank you so much for reading and for the support❤❤ Do vote if you liked the chapter and leave your thoughts :) I hope everyone is doing well. ily


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