Family Affairs 3

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Family Affairs 3

Sam and Adrian's house

From the outside it appears just as any other of the houses on the block, trimmed lawn, clean flower beds and a glossy paint job. Adrian and Sam hadn't chosen to do too many displays outside unsure of the weather which for the moment luckily is holding up, cloudy but no rain yet. Inside even Sam has to admit she'd gone full Pinterest mode on the decorations despite realising her baby boy won't even remember any of this. Admittedly it's not quite his 1st birthday but Ade and Sam had wanted to celebrate just a tad early with their family and it just so happened a week out was the best they could do with everyone's scheduling.

Sam takes a sip of wine. God how she's missed alcohol and caffeine and junk food. Now that they've just about completely managed to transition Theo from breastmilk to regular milk, as selfish as it sounds she finally has her own body back. No worrying about how her diet might affect Theo, no needing to attach a stupid pump to her tits and no more getting sore when the milk isn't released. Although she will miss their little intimate moments. Early mornings just her and her baby made everything worth it.

She glances over to where her mother-in-law and one of her sister-in-law's play with Theo, her son just loving all the attention. Between her and Ade she should have realised her son would be a chatty, confident little boy. The slow signs of attitude sometimes emerging however she could do without. Then again this is a baby created by both of them. Attitude is to be expected. The terrible two's are certainly going to be a challenge and a half for them.

"He's just getting more and more handsome each time I see him," remarks Katy to her.

Sam just grins back at her, "believe me he's not as handsome when he's crying because I looked away for a moment to catch the news on TV. He's just as much a drama King as his daddy."

"How have you and Ade found going back to work? You started right after your maternity leave?"

It had been another bittersweet moment to go back to work. She explains to Katy how it was great to spend time with adults, doing her job and generally just be able to have a sense of her old routine yet at the same time she misses Theo a lot. It's much better now that they have their routine but it was definitely hard at the start. Adrian had made the case that she could always not go back but after she'd shot that down, he'd not brought it up again.

"Sweetheart," Ade pecks Sam on the cheek, "Let's do the cake cutting once Eli and Ivy get here. Katy, are you sure I can't get you wine or beer?"

Katy shakes her head, "I'm good with lemonade thanks. I'm um, trying to be healthier."

Sam gives the woman a look. Good on her but she's probably one of the most normal healthiest people Sam knows. She's a vegetarian for Christ's sake!

"Sure but I hope you're making an exception to cake. I got it from this bakery in town that is just...well, you'll just have to try it and see. I promise it will blow your mind."

"Of course, cake on birthdays don't count," giggles back Katy.

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