Embarrassing Shit About Me

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I dunno maybe I'll start a tag from this. I'll be like a sensation. Even though I already am.

1) One time I walked into a wall and started bleeding.

2) One time I fell into my friends pool and did a split and smashed my crotch against the side of the pool so hard that I left a crack. It's a good thing I'm gay because I'm pretty sure that made me infertile anyway.

3) I really like The Pet Shop Boys.

4) I also really like The Beach Boys.

5) One time I was being a hipster and told my friend this album that I bought was amazing. Then I listened to it and realized, despite what the reviews had said, that it was shitty.

6) I have a princess themed room. Mainly because I haven't done a redesign in ten years.

7) I refer to my younger self as "Ally Jr."

8) I talk to my dog and cat in their own individual voices and make them say funny things. Don't judge me.

9) I broke my arm when I was seven by trying to play Kim Possible and ziplining in the YMCA.

10) One time in middle school I kept getting all this attention from guys and I wondered why. I went into the bathroom and realized that the V-neck I was wearing was way too low and it showed all my cleavage. 

11) Once I broke my cello just before a big trip. By "break" I mean I made the most important string snap off and no one had a replacement.

12) One time I held up a baseball game because my orchestra was playing for it and I had knocked it out of tune. Cellos are really hard to tune (the pegs are quite tight) and I held up the game by fifteen minutes.

13) Whenever PewDiePie asks for a high five/brofist/whatever I always do it.

14) Once someone kicked my folders down the stairs in middle school and I cried.

15) I really like that Kanye West song "Power" and know all the words.

16) I still play with Legos.

17) I have a Batman, Spiderman, and the captain from Firefly action figures on my desk. Also a Derryl bobblehead and a Dwight Schrute bobblehead.

18) I read Atlas Shrugged to impress a girl.

19) I really, really, really like Rock Band.

20) I stutter when I'm nervous.


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