"Men Are Pigs!"/False Claims of Sexual Harrassment

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The amount of times I've heard girls be "scared" about getting a compliment is getting fucking out of hand.

Look: "You look pretty today" is not a form of sexual harrassment. Jesus Christ. Every girl on Tumblr and about 89% of the "feminists" in the world think that a guy complimenting you or just appreciating the way you look is a form of sexual harrassment. It's not. If he started following you, or shoving you, or repeating the phrase with more and more emphasis, or touched you, or anything like that, then yes, that is harrassment and he is a dick and should go to jail.

But, for example, if I saw a girl walking down the hall of my college and said "You look nice today" or "I like your hair," I wouldn't be harrassing her. Sure, it may be uncomfortable for her and as a general rule I would say not to compliment strangers, but in no way is that harrassment. Hell, you could've made her day. 

I've seen so many people basically say that if any guy appreciates how a woman looks, then it's harrassment. Fuck. You. I've also noticed a huge double standard in the idiots who do this, and they always say the guy is "slimy" or "gross" or "greasy." What that tells me is that if a model approached them and said the same thing, they wouldn't care because they're attracted to him, too. GUESS WHAT. HOW ATTRACTIVE A PERSON IS DOESN'T PLAY ONE SINGLE TINY FUCKING SLIVER OF A SIXTEENTH OF A PART IN SEXUAL HARASSMENT OR RAPE CASES. IT DOESN'T MATTER IF THE GUY WHO HARRASSED YOU WAS "GREASY" OR NOT. ALL THAT MATTERS IS HIS BEHAVIOR. YOU CAN'T GO UP TO A JUDGE AND SAY "OH NO, THIS MAN DIDN'T HARRASS ME EVEN THOUGH HE DID WHAT I CONSIDER HARRASSMENT! LOOK AT HIS ABS!"

I've also noticed something strange and disturbing in this whole trend: It's only men that these girls are claiming are "pigs" and "harassors." Are they just not aware that the LGBT+ community exists? I mean, I'm lesbian. I am a fucking flaming gay. So if I called a girl pretty and she didn't know I was attracted to her, would that be harrassment even if the girl considered a guy doing that harrassment? Where do we draw the line?


Please don't claim false sexual harrassment. Seriously. When you call a man who who compliments you a sexual harrassor, you're taking away the credibilty and seriousness of real sexual harrassment cases. Look, I have legitamately been sexually harrassed. A guy once put me up against a locker in middle school and started humping my backpack for kicks, and I broke out crying. I didn't go to my locker for two weeks, and I was too scared to report him. Sexual harrassment is something that can really, really mess a girl/guy (yes, it's not just girls who are sexually harrassed, "feminists"). It's something that can ruin your life.

So when you call sexual harrassment, don't just throw the term around as you please. This is a serious, intense topic that can potentially ruin someone's life. 

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