Chapter 3(5 Years Later-Seohyun)

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5 years later.....

"Ring!Ring!", the alarm sound echoed through the entire room.


She hit the top of the alarm clock to stop it from alarming more.

She sat up in her bed and brushed back her hear that had covered her face,with her right arm.

She was to go to the hospital today to prepare for the surgery on her retina, which were damaged in the accident 5 years ago.

She yawned and stretched while getting up from the bed. She remembered that she was to go to the hospital and that brought back memories of the accident....

.....5 years ago......

"Where is my omma? " she remembered saying those words...

"BOOM! " she remembered her mom getting blown up on the car accident and tears started running down her cheeks.

"Gwenchana? " she remembered hearing that strangers voice, she didn't get the chance to see his face or even thank him for saving her life back then... his voice was so warm she though.. I have to find him....

"Knock,knock" seohyun's thought were interrupted by the knock...

Seohyun:" come in"

Mrs.Park:" are you getting ready now?"

Seohyun:"Ne omma, I am going to the bathroom now".

.... A couple of minutes later......

Mr and Mrs Park: "ready now? "

Seohyun: "NE "

Seohyun walked down the stairs and Mrs park lead her to the car.

.....A hour later.....

Mrs park:"We are here"

She opened the car door and lead seohyun towards the hospital while Mr park took seohyun's bags.

Young suk:"Mr park.,Mrs park, Seohyun"

His voice came from the entrance to the hospital.

Young suk: "mom sent me here to see seohyun before she goes for surgery "

Mr park:" Ne, we'll leave the two of you to talk"

They entered the hospital

Young suk is the man seohyun is arranged to be married to.. they were to get married not because of love but because of business, it was a way to make both of there families get more money. He even had a girl friend 'Yoo Seung Mi ' who he loved....

Young suk: "I hope your surgery never goes well I hope you stay blind forever so i don't have to marry you....  I hate you" ..

He walked away leaving seohyun infront of the hospital...

Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she thought about what her life would be like marrying him... the person that hates her the most in the world.

She quickly wiped her eyes when she heard her patents coming, she was grateful to them for taking her in after her mother and father's death. She felt marrying young suk would be a way to repay them for there kindness and most of all she was grateful because they were even giving her a chance to see again..

They walked towards her

Mr park:  " were is young suk? "

Seohyun: "he just left "

Mrs park:"OK,let's get you settled in here"

Mrs park lead seohyun to her room and she changed into her hospital cloths the surgery was to be done the next day...  after she was settled in they left her there and went home.

Seohyun laid on the bed unable to see she laid on her back and suddenly memories started to come back to her...

Tears started flowing down her face..

Seohyun: "omma mian it's all my fault, if I just let you concentrate on driving instead of talking to you, you and appa would still be alive now, mianhe omma" ..

She burst into tears and turned to her side.....

Soon she fell asleep with tears on her cheeks...........

End of chapter 3 now to the next chapter....

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