Chapter 16 (The Silver Car With The Blue Tint)

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Mrs park and kai drove along a street.


Mrs park stopped the car suddenly...

Mrs park :"what is it, do you see her?"

Kai:"No, it's my little sister, i totally forgot she was out today, i should pick her up, could she come with us?"

Kai rolled the windows of the car down and beckoned to his sister by waving his hand, she saw him calling her and moved towards the car, she waved while she walked towards the car..

sarang:"Oppa who's car is this and who is that laby in the drivers seat.

kai hesitated for a while he didn't want to tell sarang that seohyun was missing...

Mrs park:"i'm seohyun's mother, kai is helping me to look for seohyun, she went missing this morning".Aniyo, i saw unni this morning, she went into a silver car with blue tinted windows. there was a man driving it, unni didn't see me because i was too far away.

Kai:"what? you saw seohyun! where?
get in show us where you saw her"

sarang got into the car and closed the door.

Mrs park:"did you say the car was silver and had blue tint?...."

Sarang"yes it was, do you know the car?"

Mrs park:"yes! that sounds like young suk's car"

Sarang:"who is young suk?"

Mrs park was about to answer but kai interrupted, he didn't want sarang to know seohyun was arranged to be married. he signaled to mrs park not to say anything"

mrs park:"he is seohyun's father's friend's son"

sarang sook her head slightly as if she didn't understand what mrs park said.

sarang" this is the place i saw her.."

mrs park stopped the car and looked around....

Mrs park:" ok we will start searching from here"

Kai:"so do we go to young suk's house first?"

Mrs park:"yes ut i'll check with my husband first to see if young suk called him about finding seohyun.

she took out her phone and called Mr park...

Mrs seo:"have you heard from young suk?, did he find seohyun?"

Mr park:"yes i just called him to the house to talk to him , but he didn't say anything about finding seohyun."

Mrs Park::"what style is young suk's car? i don' t quiet remember."

Mr park:"it's a silver car with blue tint. why do you ask?"

Mrs park:"seohyun was seen going into a car that fits that discription."

Mr park:"Ok i'll ask him when he gets home you continue to search

Mr park:"OK"

young suk arrives at seohyun's house and steps out of his car he walked slowly to the front gate trying to look as normal as possible, he didn't  want Mr park to find out he had seohyun.

he opened the gate and went in, he walked to the front door and rang the bell, afer a couple second Mr park came and opened the door.

young suk:"annyeonghaseyo mr park why did you want to meet with me?"

Mr seo lead young suk to the living room were they both sat.

Mr park:"i wanted to talk to you about seohyun, i want to tell you that i wanted to call off the wedding for now, i want to convince seohyun first before you get married."

young suk:"convince her?"

Mr park:"yes convince her, it seems she has feelings for a young man nmed kai, he was the person who saved her from the kidnapping incident recently.

young suk:"Ok Mr park i'll tell my parents to wait a little longer."

Mr park:"by the way, have you seen seohyun since today?"

young suk:"No Mr park"

young suk stood up slowly and move towards the front door,

young suk:"i have to go now Mr park i'll see you later"

Mr park:"Ok young suk, tell your parents hi for me , ok"

young suk went out the door, his thoughwent back  to Mr park statement, why did he ask me about seohyun, does he know something, he went to his car and drove out..
Mr Park took up his phone and called Mrs park,

Mr park:"He just left a while ago, he didn't see seohyun since last week"

Mrs park:"really i guess we'll just keep searching then."

Mr park:"Ok"

she hung up the phone and sighed a little. kai looked at her coriously.

Kai:"was it his car?"

Mrs park:"he said he hasn't seen her".

Sarang :"there!there! thats the car seohyun went into."

she pointed vigurously at the passing car which was of the description she had given before.

Mrs park:"Ok, les follow it and see where it leads".

Mrs park started the engine and slowly drove behind the silver car, she though it was strange how this car looked just like young suk's own.

They followed the car until it lead  them into a abondoned building area. the silver car stopped, Mrs park drove the car a distance behind and when she saw the car stop she stepped the car a way off and they all got out. they stood watching the car as the driver door opened.

Mrs park:"No!, there must be an explanation for this"

Mrs park shouted as she saw young suk getting out of the silver car,

kai held his index fimgure to hiis lips,

kai:"please Mrs park, we don't want him to know we are here.

After young suk went into the building kai and mrs Park went closer to te building, kai told Kim sarang to stay inside the car and wait for them. They both slowly walked towards the abondoned building where they both looked through a window the was there.


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