Chapter 5(Sight)

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......A WEEK LATER.....

Seohyun was awakened by one of the doctor in charge of her optical surgery...

Doctor:"Today is the day we take of the bandages seohyun"..........

A few minutes after Mr and Mrs park walked into seohyun's room they were called to come to the hospital that day...

Doctor: "Welcome Mr and Mrs park.... Are you ready for the bandages to be taken of?"

Everyone answered in a chorus:"NE!"

The doctor unpinned the bandages, moving it in a circular motion around seohyun's head until it was loose in his hand. He then slowely removed the pieces of guaze over her eys. She opened her eyes slightly and shut it spontaneously because of the light... It took her eyes a while to adjust to the light and then she finally opened them...

Mrs park: "Can you see us seohyun?"

she was hesitant to speak for a while and then she spoke with a bright smile on her face...

Seohyun:"Ne omma"

Mrs park ran and huged her tightly, rocking her from side to side...

Mrs park: "My baby can see again!, My baby can see"

seohyun held her hand up to her face and tears flowed down her cheeks... she finally could find the person that saved her, find him and thank him for saving her...

Mr park:"Gwenchana seohyun?"

she came back from her thoughts and shook her head that was on Mrs park's shoulder, indicating yes...

Seohyun:"Ne appa i'm just very glad i can see again"...

Mrs park pulled back from the hug and cuped her face using her thumbs to wipe away her tears.

Mrs park:"Are you sure you are ok"

Seohyun:"Ne omma,I'm ok"

Doctor:"We will keep her a few more days for observation"

Mrs park:"Ok doctor we will leave her in your care"

Mr and Mrs park talked to seohyun for a few minutes and then they decided to leave...

Seohyun:"Bye omma and appa"...

After Mr and Mrs park was gone seohyun laid on her back in the hospital bed...She remembered how she lost her sight....

Seohyun:"omma, appa i can see again, I can finally thank the person who saved me... omma I'm sorry you couldn't be here with me now, if we hadn't been talking..."

Her thoughts were interupted by the sudden noise that came from the opening door...

Young suk:"My parents told me that your surgery went well chukahae ... but i still don't like the sigh of you.. i hate you, i wish i didn't have to marry you... i love someone else i wish you would just die..."

He walked out of the room and the sound of the door closing echoed through out the room....

she started to cry, what could she do if she tell his parent about this they won't belive her and if she tell her parents they will not belive her she though....

Seohyun: "omma! omma!, help me , help me to meet someone who loves me i don't want to marry young suk please omma"

Tears flowed down her cheeks as she laid on the bed crying...

End of chapter 5 hope you enjoyed ....

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