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3rd Pov

Jughead Johns the dark boy form the wrong side of the tracks was always in love with Betty Copper form her blound hair to , her pink lips ... everything was perfect about the Betty Copper to him. The upsetition with the north side princess started when they where in Kindergranden. 

Flash Back 

A raven head boy sat in the sand box in the play ground playing with his favorite truck when Archie Andrews and Reggie Mantle came up to him. 

Archie: Hey Give Me That 

He snatches the toy out of the south side prince hands. Jughead tried to get it back but  the red head and crept trowing it around to his friend. Just then the north side princess apreed like a ray of sunshine. 

Betty: Boys stop 

They do looking down seem bad for it. They give her back the toy and where about to walk away. 

Betty: Say sorry 

Both: Sorry 

They walk away to play with there friends. The girl hands him back the toy. 

Betty; Here your toy back sorry my friends are so mean to you there really nice once you get to know them. 

She looks behind her as her friends call her over trying to get her away form the werid 6 year old. 

Jughead : Thank you, you could go it seems like your friends are calling you 

Betty: Well do you want to play. 

He thinks about it when the was about to say yes the bell roung and the parents came outside to get there angles. 

Betty: Oh well bye-bye my mommy and big brother and sister are here. 

They wave bye as the girls runs into her brothers arms who picked her up 

Everyday they would talk to each other but every time he was ready to talk to the ray of sunshine he would get stop then get picked up,her friends, and mostly him being to shy. 

First Grade

They both grew older and this year they where in first grade ready to do more than nap and learn to read.

The raven head boy walk in nurvis for the first day of school. Everyone was sitting with there friends there was only one seat left and that was next to the beautiful Betty Copper. Who had a big smile on her face when her shy friend sat next to her. Jughead never really thought as Betty as his friend he felt he had none in the world but his family ,that was not the case for Betty she saw every one as her friend always being nice she would huge everyone when she or they got to class. Everyone loved that about her. 

Betty : Hi juggie 

She waved excited looking away from her written name witch by far was the best one in class. 

Jughead: Hello Betty 

The teacher comes around looking around seenew faces and seeing how the children wrote. 

Miss.Potter: Oh what good hand wrighting Elizabeth 

Betty: Thank you my family helped me with it this summer and counting to 100 

She smiled big. Betty was always one to be proud of her self for learning New Things so she always loved the idea of everyone knowing . 

Miss.Potter: Would you like to show me some time 

Betty smiled big nodding. 

Everyone was writing about the summer when the teacher stepped out the room for a minute when Archie Andrews walk up to Jughead stealing his pencil. 

Jughead : Hey that's mine 

Archie: Not any more 

He broke the pencil in two 

Reggie: Look he's going to cry 

Betty: Hey leave him alone stop mean 

Both boy stop laughting but throw the pencil at Jughead 

Betty: Sorry about them they are really nice 

Jughead: So you keep saying 

Betty: Here you could have my pencil 

She reached in her pink pencil case pulling . Handing it to him their hands touching making them both blush 

He thanked her before getting back to writing 

6th grade 

Everything really changed for the raven head boy. His mom and dad got a divorces. They still say each other a lot . Now this year Jughead was going to south side middle it was closer to his dads new trailer. Jughead was really upset when he found out he would no longer see his favorite blound . Which could have been the worst time possible because every boy in town was starting to like the north side princess . She got more beautiful everyday he was not the only to notice. Archie firlted with Betty every day but she never really noticed she thought everyone was being nice to her and she would flirt back. Not liked she really knew 

 10 th grade 

South side high closed after only one year of the south side king being there. Now they where going to north side high. As they walked in the king noticed a blound beauty witch he knew all to well in her cheerleader uniform. Handing the serpent fliers with her big smile on her face and a red head arm draped around her back . This made the king very angry and things where going to get really ugly sents the king is angry 

A/N: Hi my loves I came up with this crazy idea on Sunday the Dec,15 ,2019.  I had to write it down as fast as I could so I could have a book for the new year hope you like it. So just so you know Betty is like I Year younger than everyone she skipped a grade because how smart she was. So that's why she is a little younger. Tell me would you want to have sex in this book I'm not sure. I may not but there will be sexual firting  if I don't think I would go into full detail about that. So comment below. What do you think will happen . Do you think Archie and Betty are together? How will Betty fell about the king coming to the school. Would she temper her old friend ? Hope you really liked it I tried I want to get into doing my mature stuff. 

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