Starting Today

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Betty POV

I'm stell really crepped out after what happen with Jughead last night. I'm going to the mall today with my friends.

Jughead: Good Morning
Jughead: What are you doing today

I shake it off and finish my makeup. Going down stairs say by to my parents.

Hal: Have fun honey okay be careful

Betty: I will ,love you .

I walk outside

?????????: You know princess it's not nice to not to reply to your text I send to you

I turn away from my bike to see Jughead.

Betty: I was doing my makeup I could not reply

I sit on my bike getting nerves.

Jughead: You never answered my question where are you going

Betty: Out with my friends.

Jughead:That does not answer my question

He grabs the handles of my bike

Betty: We're going to Pop's for breakfast

Jughead: Was that so hard say you later princess.

He kisses my forehead then leaves. I breath in relief the start biking to Pop's.

As I was going I felt someone behind me. I turn around to see a car. I get out it's way so it could pass. But it stayed behind me following slowly. I speed up be only two minutes from pop's seeing the big red sign. I make it the car pulls in to. I park my bike and hurry inside.

Veronica: B there you are. Are you okay.

Betty: Um ya just tired I biked here really fast

Just then the bell rouge in came in Jughead.Goosebumps cover my body as he walks over.

Cheryl: Hello Hobo

Jughead: Cheryl

He hands me a jacket.I was confused this is the same jacket I lost a year ago.

Archie: Oh there that thing is she been looking for it about a year where you find it ?

Everyone stares at it.

Jughead: Um the White Worm

I never been to a white worm

Kevin:You went clubbing without me.

Betty: I guess and I had so much fun I most have forgot

We all laugh

Veronica: Why don't you and your friends join us today

I turn to her with wide eyes.

Cheryl: Yes it will be so much fun

She look over at Toni who I found out she has a little crush on. I'm going to only do this for her.

Betty: Sure it will be fun

I fake smile kind of scared where he really found my jacket because I know my sister took it back because it really her jacket but I put it on my bed this morning.

His friends come over and we combined our buffs. He wraps his arms around me and my friends look at me with raised eyebrows. I just stay quite.

Archie: How long have you guys been a thing

Jughead:We became a real thing last night

He kisses my cheek

Veronica: You only know each other for a few days

Jughead: No we've been friends sents when baby

Betty: Kindergarden

Veronica : Aww

Later that day

Jughead: Why don't you get in my car and I'll take you home

Betty: Aww I wish but my bike

Jughead: Is in my trunk

I get in to the car scared for what will happen next

Betty: How did you get my jacket it was on my bed this morning

I waited for his answer

Jughead: Well my beautiful princess I had to pack you a bage because your speading the night with me

Betty: What about my parents

Jughead: While you were shopping I texted your mom

I look at my phone to see that my mom text back saying okay and she loved me

I scared how did he even get into my phone

Just then we pull outside this beautiful house

Jughead: Come on princess where going to have some fun

I'm scared what he ment by that

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