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Jughead Pov.

We all follow the scream veronica made. She was in a hole . 

Veronica : Its here bage 

Officer helped her out the hole and took her purse. 

Officer : Mr.Copper is this your daugter 

He showed her Betty's ID. 

Alice: Yes oh god yes 

She cried.

We follow a path and found a tree. I felt nerveus as we got closer.

Fangs: What on earth is that smell.

Officer : It a bunker 

He unlocked it walking down 

Officer: Hey chef we found her 

Mrs.Copper started screaming into Hal's chest. 

Archie started to punch a tree then he ran to me. 

Archie: It was you who did it you killed her....... you killed ....her 

He punched me in the face Reggie and Kevin pulled him off of me. It was supposed to be the other way around not my princess . That why I killed him so we could be togethor but they will never fine him.

Donna:  Where's Brent 

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