Sandor Clegane X Rogue!Reader (DA:I)

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The night was a bitter one; strong winds and powdery snow that would sting the skin on impact. It was a night that should be spend beside the fire, a glass of hot wine in hand.

Unfortunately, this night did not allow that.

The Great Hall in Castle Black was filled with Wildlings and fighting men, gathered around the old, wooden benches, their fiery spirits warming the room.

The Night King was advancing on the wall, the Three Eyed Raven had seen it. They were only a day's march away, once he made it South of the Wall, men would not be able to hold the army off.

"We should all return to Winterfell," Lord Glover exclaimed. "Hold them off in a place we can defend."

A series of ayes were spoken around the room, agreeing with the Lord.

The Lord Commander, and King in the North seemed to consider this option.

"It could work, but they could march straight past us, we don't know what they want, or what their end game is."

The Lords seemed to hum, thinking.

The candles flickers as a huge gust of wind battered the doors.

"The Wall is going to have to be the front line, we can't afford for them to get through," Jon leaned over the table, staring at it intently, as if it would hold the answers he so desperately needed.

You suppsed those tables had seen a lot over the years, absorbed a lot of wisdom, and held many a secret. You wished they could whisper them to you.

"The Wall is in no fit state to be the front line, in a battle of this magnitude," you finally spoke up, from your place in front of the roaring fire. "You said it yourself, this Wall hasn't been manned or maintained adequately in centuries."

Benches creaked as all of the faces in the room turned to you. Jon frowned.

"Oh right, and I suppose you have a better idea then, (y/n)?" He shook his head, you supposed he was tired and stressed.

"I do," you confirmed.

There was a murmer between the men, before they hushed to hear your proposal.

"We can't fight them at home, we can't fight them at the wall," you started. "If they get through, then we will have failed."

John didn't seem at all convinced by the start of your proposal.

"That is why we must meet them North of the Wall."


The Lords made their disapproval clear. They were shaking their heads, banging their fists upon the tables and shouting.

Jon shook his head.

"There are no defences North of the Wall, we cannot dig trenches, our men cannot shelter. We will have no vantage points-"

You nodded, "-I know, that is, after all, the point."

Everyone settled, not prepared to accept your proposal, but curious to hear what exactly your plan was.

"The Three Eyed Raven told me what he saw. They do not march in formation. The bodies at the front, the generals at the back, following."

There was silence, you began to feel the pressure. You knew this plan was the only one that would work, you needed them to hear it.

"There is a bottle neck, you told me about it," you gestured to Jon, "where you captured the Wight."

He nodded, staring at you.

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