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*Caitlynn's POV*

I went and got ready for my date with Matthew again. He's such a sweetie pie. We were going to the park and just going to have a picnic.

I took a shower and then blow-dried my hair. I then put it in a bun and put on a black fringe crop top and blue ombré shorts. I then put my black Vans on.

I was sitting in the living room waiting for Matthew when I heard the horn to his car honk. I grabbed my phone and purse and headed out the door. As soon as I did, Matthew was at the door and he swooped me off my feet and ran to the car. He's so adorable.

We got in and headed to the park. He got the blanket and food and set it on the blanket. He had Green Tea and sandwiches made for us. Aweeee.

When we got done, he drove me home. "Okay. We're here." He said. I stayed in the car. "I like you Matthew." I said then stared into his beautiful eyes. "I like you too Caitlynn." He then gave me a soft and fast peck on the lips. "That's not a kiss." I said and chuckled.

He then kissed me again and it was passionate. It then turned into a make out. And I pulled away. I didn't want it to lead to something else.

"Bye Matt." I said. He grabbed my arm and said, "Wait." "Yeah?" I said and turned around. "Would you do me the honor and be my girlfriend?" He said. "Yes."

I kissed him one more time and got out of the car. I walked into the house with a huge smile on my face and then went to sleep.

*Hayden's POV*

We were all downstairs playing video games. Taylor basically dragged me down there. Cameron was down here too, but I don't care. Taylor won't let it happen again.

"Can I play next?" He was really focused into the game. He didn't even notice I was talking to him. I tapped on his shoulder and said "Taylor, can I play aft-" he cut me off and said, "Shut the fuck up. Nobody wants you here." What... Is wrong with him.

I walked straight up to his room and grabbed my things and walked back downstairs. I'm definitely leaving. I walked back down and Taylor was right there. He was rubbing his temples.

He saw me and said, "Oh my god Hayden. I'm so sorry. I didn't even mean it. I promise." "Why did you say it then?"I snapped. "I wasn't even paying attention. I'm so sorry Hayden I lov-... I like you. A lot and I don't want to ruin it by something stupid I say. Please." He begged. This isn't the Taylor I know. He never begs. Oh well. "Okay. I forgive you." I said.

"Thank god." He said and then kissed me. No. I pulled away and looked at him with my eyes basically saying it for me 'Everyone is staring.' He caught on and acted like nothing happened. He clapped his hands together and said "Okay. Come on everyone. Let's play."

Why is Taylor so perky? He's never like this when we hung out before. He normally is always dirty and stuff...Oh well.

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