Samy + Mar

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Mariano's POV

Mar knew that that there was always a possibility that he'd like the same gender.

Not because he'd experimented. Or because he'd seen an unusually good looking guy. But because he wasn't against the idea of liking another dude. So because of this, he knew that if the right guy came, he wouldn't mind the idea of liking him.

Mar was sitting on his bed on a Friday evening waiting for his friend Samy to arrive. Mar's dilemma was that over the past few weeks, he'd been questioning himself about his feelings towards Samy. Even though him and Samy would flirt and make sexual jokes and Tik Toks, he knew that Samy was 100% straight. He'd had girlfriends in the past, Mar was even certain that he liked a girl at the moment. Which hurt a little.

But in the long run, Mar knew that his feelings towards his best friend could never be returned.

It was the small things that made him realise his attraction towards the other male. Not stuff like how he'd be happy that Samy would text him because Mar just enjoyed his company. It was stuff like how if he'd sit too close Mar would get a tingling sensation in his chest. Or if their hands would brush while walking, the Moroccan boy would leave his hand but it would leave Mar with a funny feeling and the need to smile.

As everyone knew from Tik Tok, Mar didn't smile very often. But he couldn't help it when he was around Samy. The smaller boys presence was more than enough to make him smile so much it hurt his cheeks.

Mar fell back onto his bed and groaned.

"Hey Mar you good?" Samy had startled Mar which caused him to sit up really fast and gasp loudly.

"Jesus Samy, you're gonna give me a heart attack. Let someone know that you're standing there before scaring the shit out of me." Mar put his hand over his heart and looked towards his door to where Samy was standing.

"I knocked on your front door and when no one answered so i let myself in then knocked on your room door and you still didn't answer so i opened it and let myself in again. You didn't respond when i was calling your name either. Are you ok?"

During Samy's little speech he had made his way over to the Mexican and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Yea i'm fine." Mar replied. He couldn't just up and tell Samy about his questioned sexuality and the fact he had a major crush on his best friend.

Samy never asked Mar about the people he had crushes on. Mar suspected it was because he just didn't seem like someone who would have a crush on someone. He's never shown an interest towards anyone and has never told Samy about anyone, so he'd assume Samy just wouldn't ask.

Up until now.

Samy has put his bag down by the door and jumped onto the taller boys bed. Samy had gone home to fetch a few things after school as he was staying over for the weekend.

The two boys spent nearly every weekend at each others houses. They'd alternate who's house they would stay at, but it was always for a whole weekend.

Mar had laid back down but this time Samy was next to him. Both on their backs looking up at the ceiling. Mar chuckled to himself remembering the one time he had shattered his light while filming a tik tok.

"Mar." Samy started.

"Yes Samy." Mar replied. Mar didn't know what he was going to say or ask. but he knew for a fact, he was scared about the question.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" This was the first time Samy had asked a question like this and Mar could tell that he was anxious for asking it.

"What's bought this up?"

Samy started to fidget with his hands and his sleeves. "Oh n-no nothing, I was just asking."

"Uh yea i do like someone." What Mar had said surprised Samy. He gasped and sat up so quickly Mar thought he was going to fall off the bed. He had a such a happy smile and he couldn't seem to sit still.

"Who is it, who is it. What's she like? Do i know her? Does she go to our school? Is she cute? What does she look like?" Mar didn't expect the other boy to be so intrigued. He didn't mind answering the questions, especially cause it was Samy asking them, but didn't know how to break it to Samy that it wasn't a 'she' that he liked. But he was going to answer the questions none the less.

"Um, she's tall, but shorter than me, she has curly black hair and fair skin but she's coloured. She's so beautiful. She's smart and funny-" Mar thought about all the things he loved about Samy, all the good memories he had and how handsome he looked. "-She has dark hazel eyes and the best ass i've ever seen." Mar smiled to himself once he finished.

He turned to look at Samy who had a sad look on his face. It's a shame this God of a man will never feel the same way i do.

"What about you Samy? Who've you got your eye on?" Mar decided to hear about this girl that he liked and prove to himself that he's better than any girl Samy could like.

"They're taller than me, which i don't mind. they've got curly hair, the most beautiful green eyes, they're so funny, they always make me laugh, the cutest freckles, the most kissable lips and the hands down best smile."

Mar looked towards Samy to see tears running down his face.

"Holy shit Samy are you ok?" Mar sat up quickly and placed himself in front him. Samy was sitting up with his hands rubbing his face.

Mar placed his hands on Samy's face and pulled his face up to look at his own.

"Samy what's wrong?" Mar spoke in the softest tone he think he'd ever used. He used his thumbs to rub away his tears but he kept his hands on his face, slightly cupping his cheeks.

Samy sniffled "I-i don't like a girl." The latino was confused at what he had said. He was about to ask when he was interrupted. "I do like someone, and i described what they're like." Samy took a deep breath in, "But it's a guy." A few more year rolled down Samy's face.

Mar let out a small chuckle. "Why are you crying then?" He asked.

"Cause i thought you'd be mad at me." Samy sniffled but leaned in close to Mar's touch.

"I could never be mad at you Samy Ha, especially not when you're just like me." Mar gave Samy a reassuring smile.

Samy was confused by what he had said. "What do you mean?"

"Well, i like this boy, the most amazing boy ever, but, i'm pretty sure he'll never feel the same way i do."

They both stared into each other's eyes until Samy leaned in and pressed his lips against Mar's.

Mar had smiled into the kiss then pulled away.

"I love you Mariano Castano."

"I love you too Samy Ha."


Was this too short or was it a good length? i hope you enjoyed this.
Hoora to the start of my new book.

Vote and Comment and stuff. Tell me what you liked and didn't.

Thank you for reading <3

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