Mattia + Alejandro ᴘᴛ 2

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⚠️⚠️⚠️ Disclamer!! Don't read if your not down to read something sad. Suicide is mentioned (along with other things)⚠️⚠️⚠️

I'm warning you

Like seriously

last chance

Well here you go

Mattia's POV

I woke up but i had no idea how long i'd been out. I sat up from the concrete and pulled out my phone.

Kairi: 10 miscalls, 8 text messages

Kairi ⛄️ : Hey Mattia, where tf did you run off to? 30mins ago

Kairi ⛄️: You know i'm sorry right? 28mins ago

Kairi ⛄️: Alejandro wants to talk to you. 27mins ago

Kairi ⛄️: Where are you bro? you're not at
your house and no one knows where you are. 25mins ago

Kairi ⛄️: We can't find you bro, We need to know where you are. 20mins ago

Kairi ⛄️: We're worried about you mattia. 15mins ago

Kairi ⛄️: Mattia where the fuck are you? 5mins ago

Kairi ⛄️: Mattia please text when when you read these. i'm worried, we don't know where you are. Alejandro needs to talk to you and frankly so do i. i'm sorry.
Just now.

Mattia 🦖 : im sorry, i passed out somewhere, i'm going home now but i'll talk to you tomorrow. tell ale the same thing. i'll see you later.

Kairi ⛄️: You sure?

Mattia 🦖: Yea i'm sure, sorry for worrying you guys .

Kairi ⛄️: ok, i'll see you tomorrow:)

I stood up from my place on the concrete and looked around at my surroundings. I slightly recognised where i was so knew how to get home. I walked in the direction of my house not really thinking about anything other than the experience i just had.

He's never going to talk to me again. His girlfriend is so pretty, she's beautiful. She's everything i'm not. She was making him laugh and smile. more than i ever could.

By the time i got to my house and opened my door i was in full blown tears and i was starting to hyperventilate. I ran straight to my bathroom and sat in the toilet lid. Neither my mother nor father were home like usual. they leave me to fend for myself while they went out with other people and came home late and drunk and force me to be apart of their happy family they so desperately wanted. That's why my friends were so dear to me. They were my family. The family that i didn't have at home but i knew would always be there for me.

We had our ups and downs but i always assumed that they would be there for me. there were times where i would feel like a bother. I would feel anxious asking for things. I would never want to bother them. When they would hang out without me i'd convince myself they didn't like me and they used me or just kept me around for fun. I'd convince myself that they didn't need me, that there was no use for my to be apart of their friend group. They do just fine on their own. I'm a spare part. Not even a spare part, i was from a whole different box. I was useless.

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