Mattia + Alejandro

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Before you read, I'd like some friends, so if you guys wanna be my friend message me here and i'll give you my insta or twitter or something and we can chat and be friends.

Also i'm sorry for this ;( have fun reading.

Mattia's POV

I can't even begin explain how much i love his smile.

He smiles so often. At literally everything.

If it was anyone else i'd tell them to stop being so happy. But his smile suits him. The way his eyes squint and his teeth show.

But his dimples. Just looking at them makes me want to smile.

I cant ever act on anything because of the possibility of being eaten alive by the people at my school. Alejandro always asks me if people at school give me shit and i alway reply with the same answer no. He's seen people call me names a few times and the occasional shove of my shoulders by people walking past but i will never make it a big deal. i tell him it was an accident or people just like the attention.

Apart from Kairi no one actually knows i'm gay, i do act like it but i've had girlfriends in the past so no one really questions it.

Me and Ale were planning on going over to Kairi's after school today. My problem was that my way of dealing with my feelings wasn't to ignore them, but to ignore the person my feeling are for.

Kairi was the only person who knows that i'm madly in love with my latino best friend. He constantly tries to make me talk to Alejandro, but i know that if i do i'll fall deeper and i don't want that.

I don't think i've said a single thing to Ale in about 2 weeks and i've been miserable. I miss talking to him and i miss making him smile.

i cant believe Kairi convinced me to come to his house, especially when he knows my situation with Alejandro.

I was standing at his front door waiting to knock. Ale's car was in the driveway so i knew he was already here. I knocked and i heard feet running down the stairs. Kairi opened the door and before i could say anything he shoved me out the way and closed the door behind him.

"What the fuck was that?" i was pissed, i was excited to see Alejandro and hopefully talk to him.

"Ok so i didn't tell Ale that you were coming today and-"

"What the fuck did you do" anger growing in my voice.

"Me? no no no not me. i didn't do anything."

"Spit it out Cosentino." when he didn't reply i pushed past him and made my way inside the house and up the stairs towards Kairi's room. I hardly ever see Ale at school anymore so seeing him now would definitely make my day.

I heard laughter from inside Kairi's room.

I slowly opened the door to see Alejandro sitting on Kairi's bed. The only problem was, he was sitting next to a girl.

it must be Kairi's girlfriend i said to myself. but he would've told me if he had a girlfriend. It can't be true.

They laughed again before she put her hand on his thigh and he gave her one of his beautiful smiles.

He must've noticed me out of the corner of his eye because he turned to look at me. We made eye contact and he stood up.

"Mattia." He sounded surprised.

This can't be. This cannot be happening right now. His face, oh how i missed it. But this is not how i wanted to see it.

"Who is this?" anger and spite laced my words.

"This is my girlfriend Paige." he gestured his hand towards her.

No, not now. This can't be happening. My world crashing before me. No that's not what's happening. My world is leaving me, for a girl.

Kairi came running into his room.

"Mattia i'm sorry, i should've said something. i only found out later. i didn't know." Kairi rambled on.

I ignored what Kairi was saying and faced Alejandro again.

"How long have you guys been together?"

"About 3 weeks." That bitch Paige replied in a tone that made me want to punch her face in.

I turned to talk to Kairi again.

"How long have you known?" My voice quiet, shaking slightly.

"Ale told me the day they got together." Kairi lowered his head, not daring to look at me.

"I see." with that i left his room.

I ran down the stairs and out the house. I could hear Kairi chasing after me, yelling my name. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to yell at him.

"YOU LET ME LOVE HIM. YOU LET ME LOVE HIM WHEN YOU KNEW THERE WAS NO CHANCE OF HIM LOVING ME BACK. YOU MADE A FOOL OUT OF ME. YOU GAVE ME HOPE, YOU MADE ME THINK THAT I HAD A CHANCE, THAT THERE WAS A POSSIBILITY OF HIM LOVING ME BACK. When all this time he had a girlfriend." My voice cracked too many times to count. I had tears streaming down my face and my vision was blurry. I could only just make out his silhouette.

My breathing pattern had become erratic and i was struggling to stand. I collapse onto my knees and rest my hands on the ground with my head hanging down.

"Mattia i'm sorry- i thought that if you told him how you felt he'd feel the same. I didn't know he would bring his girlfriend over today, i planned on having you tell him today but i guess that didn't work out." Kairi has a few tears roll down his face as well.

I wasn't mad at Kairi, even though he probably thinks i am. i'm mad at the situation i put myself into. Kairi only meant well and it's not his fault it didn't work out.

Me and Alejandro would never work out, i don't know why i thought it would.

I cant believe i fell for a straight guy. A beautiful, funny, smart, amazing straight guy.

"Mattia?" This time it wasn't Kairi speaking.

"H-How long have you been there for?" I ask, terrified of how much he heard.

"I-i heard it all, everything." he said quietly.

This cannot be happening. I'm never going to be his friend again, He's never gonna look at me the same way. He's going to hate me. I'm just some fag why wouldn't he hate me. i'm a disappointment. To everyone.

I look up at Alejandro to see looking at me. His eyes full of sadness.

He takes a step towards me. "Mattia i-"

Before i let him finish his sentence i stand up and run. I run and run and run. Hopefully making it home, but if not it doesn't matter. I just need to get away from there.

He hates me. He thinks i'm disgusting. He'll never look at me again. I'll never see him smile again.

I cry and i scream, not caring who'd hear me. I cant believe this. It's not real, it's just some shitty night mare.

"Fuck." i whisper to myself feeling my vision go blurry again. I had a pounding sensation in my head and the need to go to sleep. I laid myself down and closed my eyes, not caring where i was.

Alejandro's POV

"Mattia i-" He stood up and ran before i could finish.

"Mattia i love you too."

Hiya :)

I hope you guys liked that. Do you guys want a part 2 or nah?

This one is sorta shitty but it hurt to write.

Thanks for 600 reads!!! I had just over 200 yesterday morning! like guys, what the fuck. Thank you for voting.

and thanks for reading!

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