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Taehyung 's pov.

I was crying in my room when i saw kookie coming inside,,,

I run quickly and hugged him tight,,, i love you so much love,,,

Kookie :why are you crying bby

Tae :because i know that you don't love me you are just pitying me,,

Kookie :i love you so much bby please don't say like tat again am protecting you from my dad and dok2 please try to understand

Don't think am so stupid you can fool,,, just go away don't ever dare come near me and my child we hate you already

No bby please don't say like tat again please

You are dead to us leave now

I was crying when i saw him walking away,,,

He just walked away without even looking at me,,

It's clear he doesn't love me now i understand besides he is handsome and celebrity how can I expect him to love me when he can date more beautiful girls,,,

I went to cry on the balcony when I was him calling me

Kookie :just forget about me you were just a night stand besides i only date beautiful females,,

I couldn't stop crying,,,,

I should accept that am just a pervert who is pregnant and shameless

It has been three months since i saw kookie on news he is dating joy and they have been  posting alot of pictures on Instagram that they lov each other deeply and they are going to do a wedding,,

They must be really in love since they are going to do a wedding,, i wish to find true love too,, it hurts me when i realize how kookie used me and promised no one will take my place in his life

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