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Jungkook 's pov.

No this can't be true you all are lying right??

Yoongi :no taehyung is dead look at the news on tv

I run quickly outside and went to my apartment,,

No Tae you can't do this to me bby how could you give up on us so fast,   i did this drama with joy to protect you and our unborn child,,,

I couldn't stop crying,,, i was about to drink alcohol when i saw his dad calling me

Kim :congratulations jungkook now my son is dead are you happy

Kookie :how can i be happy when my love is dead with our unborn child

Kim :don't make some drama jungkook it's okay now you can be with joy after all you were just using my son

Kookie :will you shut up no one else i love like Tae and no one else would replace him,, i did all this drama to protect him but he was more jealous and decided to die

I couldn't stop crying,, now even hie dad thinks i never wanted to see Tae alive

Tae this is not fair at all,,, you promised me no matter what you be strong for our relationship why then did you kill yourself,,,

I had so many surprises for you but you spoiled it now i hate you for killing yourself,,, who told you that i can never love you when that love we made was so special

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