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Chanyeol 's pov

No please don't say like that baek

Baek :you wanted me to leave you alone and have done so just stay away from me chanyeol and go to your love of your life,,,

Chanyeol :i tried to stay away from you but I just can't baek at all,,, i really love you so much

Baek :you cheater you should be ashamed of yourself how can you lie you love me when you love someone else just stay away from me,, I can servive without you

Chanyeol :please listen to me baek

Baek :not anyone chanyeol and please don't ever kiss me again,,,,

Chanyeol :i love you so much baek am so tired pretending I don't love you,,, i just can't stop loving you,,, you mean the world to me,,,

Baek :if you love me then stay away from me

Chanyeol :i can't stay away from you baek not anymore we are married

Baek :we were younger by then and besides you don't recognize that sht of a marriage

Chanyeol :all I know is I want you,,, my parents forbidden me to date with you but that is too much I can't do it baek

Baek :am sorry but we can't date

Chanyeol :no bby please don't do this to me please please I love you bby

He was about to go when I pulled him and hugged him tight from behind,, i want you baek please don't do this to me please give our relationship a chance

Baek :please let go of me

No Baek I can't anymore,, I love you so much i pulled and we started kissing each other crazy till we pulled out to breath

Please let's give our relationship a chance even if it has to be secret bby

Okay channie let's try

Thank you so much love

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