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Jungkook 's pov.

No i can't kiss him he should hate me,,,

I was about to go when he said

Kookie why do you hate me this much???

Tae please stop acting like a child just accept I don't love you stop seeking my attention because I can never feel anything for you,,

Tae :the more you reject me the more I hate my self for loving you,,,

I was about to to leave when I saw dok2 with a gun pointing at Tae,,

I run quickly and stand in front of him when he shot me.

Taehyung 's pov.

I was shocked to see kookie on the floor

I saw dok2 running away,,

He saved me

I called family doctor immediately since I couldn't call on hospital they may take time,,

Doctor please save kookie I can't afford to lose him I know he loves me that is why he took the bullets for me

I waited for four hours till kookie opened his eyes

Are you okay kookie does it hurt why did you risked your life why did you do that kookie

Kookie :stop talking nonsense maybe you pushed me to get shot and start pretending

Tae : please stop being mean to me kookie I know you are protecting me and our unborn child but what you did is not right I don't want you to get hurt because of me

I was about to leave when kookie pulled my hand and I fall on bed and he carerresed my face and kissed me deeply

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