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Chanyeol 's pov.

No you need someone better,, i can't be better,,, just get out

No i can change you to be better for me,, I really love you so much channie and mom is right you are different and special, thank you for saving my Momy,,,

Let's give our relationship another chance to start over again

But my family wronged you so many times

I know but I choose to forgive you and your parents let's start a fresh

Chanyeol :are you sure baek

Baek :more than sure channie

I sat on bed and hugged him,,,

Please forgive me my love I hurted you instead of protecting you

It's okay channie now you will protect me from whoever wants to hurt me,,,

Yes bby I will always protect you from anyone who dares to hurt you

I was about to kiss him when his parents came inside

Ma'am Tae can I marry baek I want this time to do correctly I want to spend the rest of my life with baek

Yes I know no one can love my son like you

And I want also to be your wife chanyeol

I was so happy till I saw my parents

Jimin :baek am so sorry I

thought you will make our son forget us,, we are so sorry for hurting you really

Chanyeol :are you making some drama again please leave

Yoongi :no son we are sorry please don't push us away,,,, baek is the best wife for you and he has a pure heart please don't think we are going to stop your marriage at all,,,,

Please baek forgive them and let us give them the last chance

Yea I forgive you two and let's start a fresh

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