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Yoongi 's pov.

I booked appointment on city hospital and took Jimin there,,,

I hope he have a successful,,, now i understand he only wanted me to take care of our son and talked so badly towards him,,,

Oooh Jimmy please forgive me and come back to us,,, please don't die like this

Am so sorry have disappointed you my love,,,, have always waited for you always please don't leave us alone with our son we need you,,

I was crying when the doctor came outside the theater room,,,

Doctor please give me good news

Have done my best let the medication do wonders and remember to pray,,

I run to the church and prayed,,

I know have been mean but the love of my life should not die please,,,

I went home and found my son crying

I told the servants to go and sleep,,

Son why are you crying???

I miss mommy,,,, i know Momy love me alot when that snake almost bite me mom jumped and the snake bitted him,,, i don't see why mom is lying

Please son don't cry i promise to bring your mom to you

I knew it he was hiding something the way he walk,,,

It has been two weeks since Jimin got operated and he is still in a coma,,,,

Am so heart broken because he is fighting for his life and I didn't notice that,,,

Am really an asshole

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