Kyra Moraal - Star Wars (Force Awakens To Rise Of Skywalker)

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Name: Kyra Jaina Moraal

Nicknames: Kyr, Knight of Ren, second in command

Age: 28

Gender: female

Sexuality: bisexual

Species: human

Which side: dark side, but still feels a pull to the light.

Organisation/Affiliations: First Order, Knights of Ren

Personality: Kyra has a take no shit attitude. She comes up for herself and the people she likes, and is not afraid to stand for what she thinks is right. She can easily tell Hux or Kylo off if she doesn't agree with them, and she's usually pretty damn confident when she does so.
She can get hot headed though, and can lash out at people that annoy her or get on her nerves, those people are usually Kylo or Hux. And sometimes poor Stormtroopers are the receivers of her anger. She's pretty extrovert and is easily likeable, even though she's a bad guy. She's also very charming and can wrap any man, or woman around her finger if she wishes.

Appearance: Kyra has brown hair, grey/blueish eyes and light tan skin. She's around 5'6 feet tall and pretty petite, but still muscular from all the training and working out she does. She usually wears her hair up in a tight bun so it's out of her face and won't bother her when she's fighting or doing other stuff. She thinks that hairstyle looks better with her clothing, as well as making her look more bad ass and threatening.

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Clothes: Kyra wears a flowy, dark robe that fits perfectly around her petite, but atlethic body

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Clothes: Kyra wears a flowy, dark robe that fits perfectly around her petite, but atlethic body. In her free time (which she barely has) she wears loose fitting, comfortable clothes that are obviously darker colors. They're pretty much pajamas.

Likes: Kyra likes flying, she's a great pilot. She enjoys using the Force and practicing it so she can get better and stronger. She likes sparring, working out, playing games, hanging with the other Knights, and baking and cooking.

Dislikes: people not taking her seriously or people underestimating her, Kylo when he's being an ass or when he smashes things, having to go talk to Snoke because she always feels like she's done something wrong, and having to kill innocent people, even though she'd never admit that because people will think she's weak.

Powers: has the Force but isn't as strong as others. She's very powerful in other aspects though. She's a great fighter and is a master in wielding the lightsaber and hand to hand combat as well.

Strenghts: Kyra works great in a team. She's a great fighter, one of the best in the First Order and knows how to wield lots of different weapons. She's great at coming up with strategies as well. Because she's small, she's quick and swift, which can be an advantage if she fights someone. Especially if that person is big or lanky. She also knows how to fly a ship.

Weaknesses: even though she's great at working in a team, her team mates are not, so that's a pretty useless quality. She doesn't have full control of the Force, which means that if she gets very emotional, things will sometimes start moving on their own, etc. She also pities. She can't really torture someone, even though she has to because if she doesn't she'll most likely get killed. She'll look the other way if someone, a stormtrooper for example, has a change to escape and no one else is around. Because she likes to try lots of different foods when she's visiting other planets, it's easy to poison her.

Friends: Kylo Ren (sort of), the other Knights of Ren, open

Family: Kyra's parents joined the resistance shortly after she joined the Knights of Ren, thinking she was one of the Jedi apprentices slaughter by Kylo Ren. She obviously hasn't spoken to them in a while and that kinda saddens her.

Enemies: Hux, the resistance and sometimes if she gets really angry, Kylo...

Crush: Kylo Ren (they have a complicated relationship to say the least...)

Backstory: a daughter of a cook/restaurant owner and a pilot, Kyra had a pretty normal childhood. Until she was around 8 or so, when she, like Ben, was a Padawan of Luke Skywalker, a Jedi-to-be. She didn't really like it that much though, and thought most of the rules were a bit too much. When Ben went on his little killing spree and killed pretty much everyone there, he decided to spare her, as he sensed the dark side of the Force in her as well. When Kylo started his Knights of Ren, Jedi-killsquad, he made her the second in command. They joined the First Order together and started training under Snoke, even though Snoke wasn't impressed with her in the slightest. While there, her and Kylo started hooking up regularly. They never really called their thing a relationship. Because they both don't really care about that stuff (that's what Kyra tells herself anyways) and because it isn't really allowed (as far as she knows).

Other: she joined the dark side because she didn't know what else to do, she felt the pull towards it, but she also feels that it's wrong. Not that she'd ever admit that, but Snoke sometimes senses it in her.

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