Mahiru Katayama - Bungou Stray Dogs

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Name: Mahiru Katayama

Nicknames: Port Mafia's Blood Witch (by enemies, police, and civilians), Katayama (by subordinates and people she isn't that close with), Mahiru/Mari (by friends and peers)

Age 22

Gender female

Sexuality: bisexual

Affiliation: Port Mafia

Rank: Executive

Personality: Mahiru appears cold at first, has lots of walls build up, but will let those down little by little when she starts to trust you. It'll take time, but it'll be worth it, as she's funny, intelligent and nice if she feels like it. She's also very caring.
Towards her subordinates she can be very strict, as she doesn't want them to fall out of line and possibly get killed. Because of her strictness it can sometimes seem like she has a short temper, as she yells and belittles subordinates that don't behave.
When it's her free time though, and she's not working, she talks way easier with her subordinates, in a friendlier tone as well, and off the clock she's kinda nice to civilians as well, but only if she feels like it.

Appearance: she has light brown hair that reaches the middle of her back, brown eyes, and is slim but muscular. She usually has her hair up in a formal looking bun while she's at work, but keeps it loose and flowing when she's off the clock (which isn't often). She has lots of scars on her body, as she's been stabbed and shot quite a lot, and her nose is a bit crooked as it has been broken a few times when she was a kid.
When she's working she wears dark red, almost black pants, on top of a white dress shirt and long black coat.
In her free time she likes wearing dresses, skirts, but also jeans and jumpsuits. It really depends on her mood, but she usually looks quite fashionable as well as comfortable. She often wears sunglasses as well when she goes out in her free time, because she wants to lower the chance people recognise her on the street. She looks like a whole different person when she's in civilian clothes though. She looks way more approachable for example.

Other than that she has a small dinosaur tattoo on her thigh. She got matching ones together with her neighbour when they were both very drunk one night.

Likes: coffee, books, music, playing the same song over and over again, the adrenaline she gets when in a fight, the city of Yokohama, teaching her subordinates the Mafia way of life and making sure they can survive in that world, watching movies and television, as well as drinking alcohol and getting absolutely wasted. She also likes to dance, even though she only does this in private, or when she's drunk.

Dislikes: seeing her father on TV as he's still quite a famous pianist, getting disrespected by her subordinates or getting disrespected in general, having to punish her subordinates, cats and dogs as she's allergic to both, and she isn't very fond of the Armed Detective Agency getting in the way of Port Mafia's plans.

Family: she doesn't speak to her parents anymore, but occasionally sees her father on TV. She doesn't have any siblings and hasn't seen her aunties and uncles in many years. Her grandparents died when she was pretty young.

Friends: she's on friendly terms with Chuuya, the Black Lizard squad, Higuchi and occasionally Akutagawa as well. She's also friends with her neighbour, and has a few online friends on Discord as well.

Enemies: anyone who acts or is against the Port Mafia

Crush: open (if crushes are an important part of the roleplay, I usually pick Gin, or Chuuya depending on my mood and who you prefer to rp lol)

Powers: she can control blood, as simple as that. Controls where it goes, if it stays in or out of the body, if it moves at all, you name it. She has to had touched a person who's blood she wants to control though, once before, and she usually just uses her own blood to make spikes, or anything, to kill people with that. She takes medicine so her blood is a bit thinner than normal, which makes it easier to control and use, but also makes her bleed out faster.
That's why she always listens to music while on the battlefield. She always has songs on she'd listened to a million times before, so she can focus on that and keep her heart beat steady.

Her ability can also be used as an emergency healing one, as she can keep someone's blood inside someone's body after they've been stabbed or shot. Sometimes this has no use though, when vital organs are damaged for example.

Weaknesses: if the head phones she's using while fighting gets torn out or her phone breaks or what not, she could loose control of her powers. The music isn't only a way to keep her heartbeat steady, but also a good way for her to be able to focus on what she's doing. If she loses control she could bleed herself and the people around her to death by accident in mere seconds.

The headphones have another disadvantage, as she can't hear as well when she's on the battlefield. If someone were to sneak up on her without her knowing, she could easily be killed.

Other than that she also gets drained very fast when using her powers, as its her own blood leaving her body after all. This means her stamina isn't high at all after she's used it, and she can't use her powers too much. Not using her own blood anyways.

Backstory: Mahiru grew up in a rich household, her father a famous pianist that expected way too much from her, and her mother a CEO of this boring business. He, together with her mother, would beat her if she didn't do as well at school, or at dance classes, or at hobbies, as they wanted. And when they found out Mahiru was a ability user, they were very angry of course. They wanted a normal daughter, not some freak.

So she ran away from home when she was 12, lived on the streets for a while and stole food and wallets to get by. She once stole a Port Mafia guy's wallet, which was a huge mistake.
The guy got his buddies and went and chased her into an alleyway. When she used her ability to kill one of them though, one of the higher ranked members of the group asked her to join.
She started climbing up the ranks pretty quickly because of her powers, and she worked together with Dazai, and Chuuya, sometimes, when he was still with the Mafia. She liked that a lot, as they were the same age. When Dazai left, she was pretty sad about it, as he was one of the only people, besides Chuuya, she actually 100% trusted. She saw him as a friend as well.

After Dazai left and there was one less Executive in the Port Mafia, Mori asked her if she wanted to take Dazai's place for the time being, which she of course said yes to. She's not as good as a executive as Dazai was, nor will she ever be, but she's still pretty good.

She still frequently collaborates with other people and squads though, without her own subordinates sometimes as well, since she likes the challenge. She's frequently in the field because of this, and is kinda surprised the military police doesn't know her identity and isn't after her yet.

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