Mynq Ajonam - Star Wars/The Mandalorian

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Name: Mynq Ajonam

Nickname: AJ, M, Myn, Mynqy, Mando, Mandalorian

Age: 24~

Gender: male

Sexuality: bisexual

Side: neutral (even though he isn't very fond of imperials)

Clan: clan Ajonam

Occupation: bounty hunter. But will also take on the odd job or two.

Appearance: Mynq has a warm beige skintone, brown eyes, and curly dark brown hair. He has a handsome face, nice cheekbones, a sharp nose. He's around 6'2 feet tall, and has a sporty build. He always wears his Mandalorian armour, of course, which looks pretty beat up because of all the fights he's been in, but never fails to protect him. His armour is a dark red colour. His right arm is an off-white color, and bears his clan sigil. This is something his dad used to sport as well and he does it in honor of him. 

Personality: Mynq doesn't like to talk that much to people he doesn't know. Once you get to know him however, there might be a chance you can't get him to shut up. To get close to him though is something that isn't easily achieved. Mynq is a pretty anxious person. This, of course,  isn't very noticeable because of the mask. The fact that he usually tries everything in his power to not let it show is also important to note. He thinks his anxiety is a weakness and weaknesses will get him and his loved ones killed. With this anxiety comes trust issues. He doesn't trust anyone, the expectation being other Mandalorians. He usually trusts them within moments of meeting them, which can also be a problem if these Mandalorians have ill intentions. He's loyal, and takes his jobs very seriously. Other than that he's caring and protective of the people he cares about. He doesn't mind showing the people he loves his vulnerable side.

Likes: fighting, shooting, bounty hunting (usually), routine, spending time with his little brother even though he can be a piece of shit, flying in his ship, and napping.

Dislikes: the noise his ship makes whenever they're landing or taking off, any type of music with high pitched noises, very crowded spaces, people making fun of his culture and way of life (absolutely hates it when his little brother does this).

Strengths: even at his age he's a very skilled fighter and bounty hunter. He's great with pretty much any weapon and is a good pilot as well.

Weaknesses: he doesn't work well with others because he has major trust issues. He sometimes gets a little cocky, and underestimates his target. He doesn't ask for help, and if he ever gets hurt he'll pretend to be fine until it's too late. That's just the kinda guy he is. Also, because of his armour and helmet, if temperatures on planets get extreme, he could just pass out from the heat or cold, especially if he hasn't eaten or drank enough.

Family: his father Fic died when he was just a small child, but his mother Tara was pretty much always there for him. She's missing now however. He has a 16 year old half-brother called Setta, who travels with him. He also has some cool uncles from his dad's side, who helped raise him and taught him the Mandalorian ways.

Friends: he doesn't necessarily have any friends. He has a few fellow bounty hunters that he sees every once in a while and he'll usually sit with them while they drink. There's nothing more to it though. 

Enemies: anyone that tries to shoot him really.

Backstory: born on Mandalore, Mynq's family fled the planet shortly after he was born because of the war. He, his parents, uncles, and some other Mando's moved from planet to planet until Mynq was around 3 years old. The tribe settled down on a planet with a small population, and made sure people couldn't find and hunt them down. Mynq's father, Fic, and his uncle, Fic's identical twin brother Ric, usually took care of the money, doing odd jobs to provide for the tribe. While on a bounty one day, some imperials killed Fic in a horrible way, making his twin watch. Ric managed to escape and went back to the tribe to tell them the bad news. Tara, Mynq's mother didn't take it very well, and it took a long time for her to get over it. Mynq was still too young to even know what was going on at the time, as he was 5, and didn't even really know what death meant.

A few years went by and Mynq's mom started seeing another guy, a rebel pilot. That let to his brother Setta. Mynq was fully focused on his Mandalorian training back then, and didn't really care for his little brother. The rebel left soon after his brother was born though, leaving his mom alone. His uncles helped raise Mynq while his mom focused on her new baby.

Then, 8 years later everything went to shit again. The empire found them and wiped most of their tribe out. 16 year old Mynq was doing a supply run on another planet at the time. He'd taken his brother with him so he could show him how it worked. They came back to a place covered in dead bodies. He never found his mother's corpse however, and was convinced she was still alive. He started to look for her, as well as his uncles who'd left the tribe a few years before that, but hasn't had any luck.  Since then he's been traveling the galaxy with his little brother, taking jobs, mostly to make sure his brother has a full stomach and a smile on his face. 

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