My Heart Yearns

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My yearns for he who is lost
My heart bleeds
Shattered pieces of metal
Ground together with pleasant memories
Tainting all that once was beautiful
My heart yearn for he who left
Once vibrant, now inert
Hands cold of ice
Rosy cheeks turned icy
Shattered mirrors of the soul
My heart bleeds
Memories once bright, noe dull
Pain in all its essence
My heart yearns for he who is gone
The earth feels his absence,
Just like I do
Tingling fingers miss his
Now cold and resting
For he is no more
Gone are the days of his love
My heart yearns for he who is lost
For he was chosen.
Kissed by deaths beautiful lips
His claws dug deep
Emptiness felt by all who behind were left
My heart bleeds
My heart yearns

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