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Who are you?
I can't even say you waltzed into my life
Can't even pinpoint what you are to me
I don't think I can define this
I don't even think I'm doing it any justice
To say I see you when I close my eyes would be an absolute lie
Even with my eyes open,
Even with my thoughts a wondering
Who are you?
Why is it that I miss your presence
Why is it that when I think,
Your face cones up
Why can I not clear your smile from my mind
In some regards, this is all my doing
But why bother?
These gates and walls were built over time
But somehow don't seem to apply to you
Years of laws and regulations
Tumbling and crumbling
Our very own constitution!
I'm not even sure what I feel anymore
I don't even know what I truly want
I can't even classify you into the many categories I keep
Why can't I write you away?
Why won't you let me forget you?
Who are you?
Perhaps the right question is,
Who are you to me?

OvercomerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ