Your Beauty

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In a room filled with people, I zone in on your face
I watch and a smile spreads across it
Instantly lighting up the whole room
Everything stops for a minute
Even the world stops just to hear
you laugh
My heart stops
I am yet again, awe stricken
Your eyes shine
And when I look outside,
I realise that the stars have stopped shinning
But unlike many others whom surround you
I know that your beauty is a reflection of what resides deep in you
Embedded into your uttermost core
I know how you smile to the little things you see
How little babies touch your heart like nothing else could
I marvel at how I am able to see constellations in your eyes
And in that moment, when your eyes
- In all it's sparkling glory-
Finally land on mine
My heart skips a beat
And once again
I find myself mesmerised by just how
Beautiful you are

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