Chapter 8: Different

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------------------------------------sorry for the late ass chapter, and how ass it is. Stupid fuckass writersblock, so wait up, and enjoy this -------------------------------------------

Dave's POV

I didn't let john finish, I'm too fucking impatience. I ask to make room, and he opens up. We last there a few and break up to breath.

"You were going to say some thing?"


"You sure?"


He shakes this head, so fucking sugoi! I blushed insanely, then stick out my tongue. And lick his face. He blushes a light shade of pink.

"What was that for?"



Then he sticks out his an licks my lips.

"Now, what the actual fuck dude!"

"I got you back,"

He licked me again but this time my side of my face
Picked up my hand, and started to suck on my fingers.
Fuck, at this rate I can get a boner!

"John please,"


"Why the fuck not,"



"Cause, you said you were gonna show my how to strife,"

"What does that have to do with anythin-"

"And it's about to be Halloween!"

"And I need a costume!"

"Ok, ok, what you have in mind?"

"I don't know, you?"

"I don't know, it was you who asked first,"

"There will be a dance in school too!"

Dat fuq he said!


"Yeah a dance,"

"I never really go to them, and shit..."

"They suck I guess,"

He looks a bit down.

"Hmm what's wrong?"

"I don't know I feel..."

He took a while to respond.

"...feel different..."

"Why, I may ask?"

Different? What ever does he mean. I don't get it, is it because the fight or the death of his lovely, baking witch father of his?


Well I don't think he'll answer any time soon, so I started to kiss on the neck.


I bite down a bit, not trying to hurt him, and decide to leave a love mark.
Dave calm your flaming tits brb.

"I wanna be a...Pikachu!"


He licks my fingers again, but this time slower, Jesus John you suck like a kitty wanting milk, if that makes any sense.

"Then what am I?"


"So what does that mean?"

Lovin YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon