Chapter 9: Halloween Night

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---------------------I know, I know it's late but it's worth putting out there for you guys, so please enjoy this chapter.--------------------------------

John's POV

Halloween, tomorrow, and life's been going smooth at school, no bullies or shit happing and what I call home now. I was alone in my room while Bro and Dave went out to buy food. I cook, yes but they insisted.
I am so fucking bored out my misery, I don't know what to do! But something caught my eye, it was one of those smuppets bro has. It weird but
This one is blue and has glasses, just like mine. Ewwww, there's a me smuppet, now that's a hella scary.
I stood up and grabbed a katana, I know fencing but it's not the same. I know it's stupid but I decide to run down the stairs with it. So I ran and midway and heard the door open up, so aimed and threw the katana next to the door. I got to the bottom and threw me hands up, and shouted,



Bro and Dave made the best 'what the fuck' faces, and I of course fall to the ground and start to crack up mad hard. But they kept the faces and I can't come down, I'm losing air too, my stomach hurts, and now I'm crying, like the feels crashed way too hard.
I had eventually started to calm down cause I couldn't hear myself anymore, it took a while but I picked myself, giggling now and grabbed a apple juice bottle, and drank it in one gulp. I am such a jack ass.

"Da fauq John?"

"I'm bored."

"And I'm a jackass too,"

"And was that necessary?"


By the time I answered they had already came in and with their poker faces. There goes all the fun. I roll my eyes and sat down at the table while bro settles down the pizza, and Dave sits in front of me. It was quite and I dunno why. So I guess I should start something.


That was stupid, of me I feel like a idiot, and thinking of dad, and the song 'How To Save A Life'. I don't why it's about a friend, not a dad.
I barely was hungry so I left and went to my room, plugged my phone to some speakers and listened to Orbit by Arkasia. Waiting for the bass to drop, when Dave comes in.


"Shh, wait for the bass drop,"


It dropped and I close my eyes feeling it through my brain, fucking amazing! And then it ended and felt myself being pinned to the bed.

"Don't ever shhh me again, you hear me mister,"


We connected lips, he knows how to save me.

"Oh save me, brave knight."

"Yes, my lord,"

It was funny, yes indeed but then again when had I had fun with Dave?
So I pretend to die and lump out.

"Arggghhh I'm dying!"

"My lord don't die!"


"No my lord!"

He runs towards me, takes off his shades and picked me up.

"My lord,"

" a...awaking kissssss...ahh,"

"That I shall do!"

We connected again but this time it felt like a life time. But soon interrupted by bro yelling.
I think he said something about getting our asses downstairs. So Dave puts his shades back on and carried me downstairs.

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