School sucks like life

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Hi there I'm Layla.Im 19 years old in college.Im obsessed with creepypasta.Anyway my life pretty much is hell I get abused daily by my "parents".
                         Chapter 1 (Layla's POV)
Ughhh another day of school.... I got up off the floor and got dressed.Of course my fake parents didn't give me breakfast.So I just walked to school.While walking there my friends Chloe and Jakela walked there with me.Chloe gave me a banana muffin to eat.I opened it and took a bite than hugged Chloe.Jakela being the sweet girl she is joined the hug.My eyes had their spark for a few seconds.But of course the spark went away pretty quickly.

After that we walked to school. We walked in our classroom and the teacher said we were late so me being the student I am flipped this old man off.And he yelled "DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL!" I didn't really care besides every time I get detention I just break out.For the rest of class I was drawing Ticci Toby until the teacher told me to show the drawing to the class since it was more important than his class.Luckily the bell had rung so I ran out the classroom to my house with Jakela and Chloe besides they wouldn't mind me skipping detention.

While walking home I heard a twig crack so I shushed Chloe and Jakela.I turned around and hissed.I smelt someone near us but the smell was like a sweet vanilla smell.(If you're confused Chloe Jakela and Layla are all different types of animals)
Yea I'm a cat, Chloe is a wolf and Jakela is also a wolf but she is lower in command.I told Chloe and Jakela to look behind us and I would look the other way.Chloe and Jakela said they smelt the same thing I did.We couldn't tell what the smell meant until everything went black.

              Few hours later (Layla's POV)
I woke up in the dark and my head hurt like hell.I felt ropes around me.I heard some other people were awake.Then I realized that it was Chloe and Jakela.I broke my ropes open with my claws and theirs too.I got up and turned on a light and saw weapons and people.Then I realized where we were.

That was the end of this chapter so bai.

How I became a creepypasta with my friendsWhere stories live. Discover now