Were screwed

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                                  Layla's POV
Toby grabbed me and and we all ran for our life.Chloe was in Bens room(I'm so sorry Chloe but you might get raped lol😂)Jakela was in Jeff's room and I was in Tobys room.Toby put me down in the bed.I looked around and the room was filled with hatchets.I asked Toby if I could have a weapon.He said I could.I was so frickin happy.I completely forgot that slender was outside in the halls looking for us.Toby walked out the room and talked with slender.

                  I heard slender hit something and Toby groaning.I let the cat part of me take control and I ran out the door and tried to bite slender until I saw that Toby was fine.Toby giggles and said "*Tic* G-got you*.I turned back to my human form and I was pissed.I had an idea Toby pranked me so I'll prank him back.I got Ben in on the prank.We agreed I would make it look like I killed Ben.

                             Prank Time
Ben has the food dye on him and gave me his sword with the "blood" on it.Once I heard Toby coming upstairs near the door I started to laugh like a maniac.Toby came rushing in until he saw Ben.He stopped moving and started to cry.Me and Ben both yelled together "IT WAS JUST A PRANK BROSKI!"Toby stooped crying and Ben knew what happened so he told me good luck and teleported away.

                "Layla you've make a mistake"I just realized how screwed I was and his stutter was gone.Toby pinned me to the wall.I tried to push him off but it didn't work.Chloe bust through the door and threw potion on Toby to stop him.Chloe yelled "NO TOUCHA THE CHILD"

          Toby started to twitch and stopped moving for a second.He got up and said in his regular voice"M-my head hurts *tic* like heck".I was so happy he was back to normal.

That was it for this chapter my Luna's and Alphas

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