Act I. The Genesis of Pain, Loss, and Suffering / The Lightless Field

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Disregarding all attempts at

trying to walk the same road as others

as our twisted hallucinations of those

colorful smoke

rises and vanquishes

these rainbows are puked

from the empty eye sockets

of those standing lifeless bodies

with mouths wide open

and their hands hugging their own chests

Well, this is what we are seeing

nothing much, nothing else

the world spins yet we are

trying to stay still

like a withered tree

witnessing the slideshow of the starry sky

dark, cold, yet glittered with hope

but we will never get there

forever rooted to dirt

Just curious

how are we supposed to know who we are

if all we do is melting our wooden selves

motioning this... stillness

to occupy the holes that others have dug

for themselves, by themselves

like a defective raincoat

the holes are worn over us

as the storm presses down onto us

squeezing and shaping us

until we can barely fit

until we can exactly fit

the depthless hole

and like the hole

we become nothing

Stinking putrid scent of a skunk

vomiting into my nostrils, now I've debunked

the myth that all

our lives are in pain

the world is spinning

so who are we

but this fantasy inside our minds and souls

Shivering in this broken concept

day after day

night after night

our lives are broken in this

hated prison

trapped inside this room of cobwebs

three gray walls

and a row of steel columns

blocking all light from seeping in

as we fall deeper and deeper into this





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