Act II. A Song of the Beauty of Life / The Right Path

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I climb the steep stairs

ascending the dizzying spiral

twisting, turning, branching

into three similar paths

the left

down a road lined with pitchforks

cast in blue flame

squeezed between the pitchforks

are wooden signboards messily labelled

"we don't need you

nobody needs you"

the ceiling blanketed with the blood

of an unpaid slave

still fresh, still dripping

still screaming for a pay raise

yet the slave had one job

to kiss a thorny flower

a melting rose

with petals as fluid as tears

but the slave drank the rose

swallowed it whole

and the corpse is nowhere to be found

the complex name of the slave

splattered on the walls of the road

The middle

a dark alley

dimly lit by a single streetlight

standing sorrowfully

pondering sorrily

about all the sad lives

the parentless children

the saviourless souls

lost in this labyrinth of knives

as the penniless people

in their drunken stupor

rammed their bruised hearts

into the shiny sharp of the metal

over and over again

never seem to die

yet they cry louder every time

but I, who is standing

in front of the three paths

their laments are like whispers

softer and softer

and... nothing

or is it because

I can no longer feel my ears

I can no longer feel my heart

As a figure who can hear no sound

I carefully tread along the right path

my right hand constantly touching the wall

to make sure I am still alive

still conscious, still undreaming

still caressing the rough rocky seas

with my sandpapered fingers

as my fingerprints are imprinted

onto every little crevice on the wall

leaving behind an inspiring message

"nobody loves you"

and thus I leave my hated identity

behind me, as I resume my walk

each step forward getting heavier

as if the floor is sucking in my feet

my arms are tight

my head is spinning

as I lose my sense of direction

I stop dead in my tracks

in a lightless area

devoid of emotions

a void for the lonely

As I snap out of my

bizarre escape to a personal fantasy

a vacation away from society

I am sitting at my desk

staring at the scary horde of numbers and letters

on my computer screen

I pick up the landline phone

on my right

while I reach for the calculator

on my left

as I read an email filled with hatred

in the middle of the wall of text

I come across a heartwarming sentence

"we need your urgent support

as our MACHINE is dead

how can we love again

your machine is a piece of shit

you are a piece of shit"

I descend the elevator

from the office on the twenty-fifth floor

I arrive at the ground floor

yet the elevator continues descending


deeper and deeper

faster and faster

and it stops getting faster

moving at such a constant speed

that I can no longer feel like I'm falling

I'm merely floating aimlessly

in this bright yet quiet space

trapped within six ceramic walls

at least the music is calming

albeit repetitive

The elevator door splits open

in front of me, three paths lay bare

the left, the middle, the right

which should I choose

the left path of slavery

the middle path of sorrow

or the right path

of loneliness?

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