Act III. A Tale of Death and Rebirth / The Anomaly

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I sit on a cushion-seated chair

tucked neatly into a red-clothed table

littered with glasses half-filled with water

the crystalline tears of a mourning sky

as I swallow a sip of the widowed pouring

a person stands on the stage in front of me

proudly facing another twenty tables similar to mine

arrogantly pointing fingers at us

a multicultural group of two-hundred

automated machines, devoid of human emotions

programmed only to kneel and serve

the person redirects their stubborn index finger

slightly charred and weakened from overuse

to the sickly white projector screen

that is dying from a fever of stress

a death by obsessive strangulation

from the strong words to be projected onto it

"our MACHINES are far too useful

we have been saving far too many lives

yet the bastards never appreciate us

they demand a penny's worth of trash price

in exchange for a lifetime support of their MACHINE

but it is a thorny tunnel we must crawl through

and I believe with all my heart

that although all of you

are slowly bleeding out a necrotic, gangrenous death

as if your flesh is poisoned by the overload of current

being supplied to the starving MACHINE

I sincerely believe in all your wholehearted efforts

and all your lifelong dreams to be my slaves

and thus I hereby declare

that our company is shutting down

you are all welcome to kill yourselves now"

The projector screen reads





Deafening applause smothers the leftover humanity

in the hearts and eyes of us all

as I stare at the projector screen, its words overwhelming

yet, I, who am still perfectly sane

and in the healthiest state of mind

understand, without a tiniest speck of doubt

that we, the MACHINES, were not programmed to die

it is simply a form of reverse psychology

clever, albeit contrived

forcing us to take precautionary action, to reflect on our sad lives

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