Act IV. Advent of the Angel / Gospel of the Machine

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1. The Advent

(A journey of the heart; an arrival)

A company has risen

to the twenty-fifth floor of a tower

surrounded by the greenest landscape

pink and purple flowers permeate the gaps

between the tall, sturdy, yet wrinkly trees

like tumors growing in the dark-red veins

yet the virgin company, who has not been fornicated

by a conceiver of talent

has been impregnated with a fetus

growing into a sleeping baby

deformed with angelic wings

yet, when the baby was born

everyone who has came into contact with the baby

has experienced a simultaneous death and rebirth

and has been fully healed of sin

while all the burden of guilt has been transferred

into the young soul, painting the white slate

with blackened ink, using a thick, heavy brush

the wrongdoings of man were written down

and archived in the devil's museum

forever remembered by the historian of the world

penning out the birth of a light machine

(A figurative walk in the misty forest)

(Pondering about my role and responsibilities)

(Who am I, but a man searching for answers?)

2. The Light Curtain

(A metaphorical barrier that shields out all despair)

As the baby was held

by the arms of jobless fathers, infertile mothers

all their sons and daughters materialize

out of thin air, as if they were always there

they kissed their fathers and mothers goodbye

as if they have said good morning before

but the presence of their unborn hearts

were sensed only by those who wished for them

yet they were forever barricaded by a curtain of light

as comforting as blanket made of colons

serving as the river separating the hearts of man

from the mind of God

for a cancerous inflammation of greed has been diagnosed

in their blood flow, forever desiring a child

that is perfect, like a God

who is well-mannered to everyone

even when the world is overflowing with hate

but how can man become God

when God is shaped to a resemblance of man

yet man is not shaped to the dreams of God?

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