Act II. A Song of the Beauty of Life / Nebula at Sea, I

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I sit on my bed

in this five-star hotel

floating on top of these dark clouds

rumbling in hunger and greed

to consume the wooden houses and walls

built on the broken land below

with the flood made from bloody tears

of a heartbreak through a cracked mirror

The large bed, draped in sea-blue

like swimming through an endless ocean

my mind is as calm as the wind

motionless, like the eyes of a fish

a rainbow spurts out of the flat-screen TV

as schools of fishes breeze through my sorrows

like a herd of cattle rummaging through

a dried-up field, leafless, windless

I reach for the folded blanket in front of me

grab onto it with all my life's force

yet I could not pull it over

as if it is part of the bed

I am cold, I am shivering

naked in the middle of the monstrous waves

exposed to the turbulent mood of the wild weather

as drum-rolls of thunder pummel the side of my head

too loud, too frightening

a purplish being appears in the sky

as if it is part of the sky

two eyes, all white, no pupils

one nose, protruding a little too far outwards

one lip, too deep in its blue

as if reminiscing a long romance with the sea

a meaningful life down below

living alongside the underwater people

and the colorful corals

The purplish being stares at me

its blue lips crack open

flaunting its beautiful smile

two rows of teeth, as pink as cotton candy

all perfectly aligned, like the events in my life

a voice speaks out from the TV

as if the purplish being is merely a projection

from a device with a disconnected power cable

"Who are you

but a being raised with love

so why are you

lamenting over the little things in life

how are you

ever going to find your way to shore

if all you ever think about

is 'when am I going to be truly happy?'"

The landline phone rings

I pick it up

"Hello, this is from

who is this speaking?"

"Hi, I am a beauty

I bought a light MACHINE from you

a few months ago

I called just to say thank you

your MACHINE saved my life

I was lonely, I was sad

so engulfed by the pains of dark

yet you, my MACHINE

you gave me hope"

I am sitting at my desk

the horde of numbers and letters

are no longer that scary

I wake up

I lie on my bed

in this five-star hotel

a message appeared on my phone

"Good morning, beautiful

how are you doing?

I hope you had a good night sleep

I love you!"

Life truly is

the most beautiful thing

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