( April 11th, 2020 - 8:36 pm )

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Jihyo's POV

I stopped dead in my tracks. Wait . . ? She wants me to stay?

"I'm Chou Tzuyu."

I turned to find her perched on the windowsill close to me with her hand outstretched. I giggled slightly, willing the tears to stay in my eyes. Thank god they did.

"Park Jihyo," I giggled, taking Tzuyu's hand and shaking it.

"I assumed," she shrugged.

"You . . . assumed . . ?" I questioned.

Tyuzu flushed a bright pink. "U-um . . . yeah . . . it's just . . . um-m . . . your friend . . . M-Mona was it . . ? left her calendar here."

I laughed. Cute lil' anxious baby. "It's Mina actually. And what does her leaving her calendar here have anything to do with you like knowing my name?"

Tyuzu stood up and grabbed the closed calander from her dresser. She opened it up to March. Last month.

"Did she ever tell you?"

I looked at the four boxes filled with "tell jihyo". I tried to think of anything important that she needed to tell me, and then it hit.

"The move," I accidentally said out loud.

"Move?" Tyuzu asked.

I sighed. "She told me she was moving 5 hours away to a new town and a new life two days before it happened."

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