Author's Note

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         Hey guys! So, recently I've had lots and LOTS of testing, but it's finally over! I'm on winter break next week until the 6ths of January which gives me more time to write even though I'll be at my dad's house!

         I also tested to get into a certain high school AND I GOT IN!!! I'm honestly so happy wfhbhfirujskjnflkashdflih! I'll probably try and post tomorrow evening (I'm in the United States so it's probably different time zones for you) and if not then I'll either post Saturday or on Sunday while I'm at the airport! 

        I wish I had more viewers reading this because I'd have more motivation, but I've got the few of you who read it here! :D ANYWAYS, I'm going to go to bed now because it's wayyy past my bedtime!! My mom's gonna yell at me oop- ALRIGHT GOODNIGHT I PURPLE YOU! <3

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