Unexpected Bond

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It's the next day and Leo is preparing to guard the tree with Draco.
As Leo walked towards the castle gate his parents stopped him.
"Leo", said the lion queen.
"Yes mom", said Leo.
"Now remember tomorrow is the royal ball and we don't want you to miss it", said the lion queen.
"Don't worry mom I won't", said Leo.
"So what did you and Lugo do yesterday", said the lion queen.
"Well uh........It's a secret", said Leo nervously.
"Now Leo you can tell you mother and father we'll keep it secret for you", said the lion queen.
"Now Leah if our son doesn't want to tell us he doesn't have to", said Leon.
"Oh Leon he must be hiding something from us", said Leah.
"Okay Leo just go one and explore the kingdom we'll talk about this later".
"Okay mom", said Leo.
"I'll let Lugo know about the ball tomorrow okay".
"Okay son", said Leon as he was waving good bye.
Meanwhile Draco was about to prepare for the worse by working with Leo.
Before Draco left the castle his father stopped him.
"Son", said the Dragon king.
"Yes dad", said Draco.
"Remember this son", said the Dragon king.
"Tomorrow is our royal dinner with royal panther family".
"Don't leave the castle tomorrow".
"Yes dad", said Draco.
"Now remember son", said the Dragon king.
"Don't go anywhere near the lions".
"I lost your mother and I can't lose you too".
"Ok dad I promise", said Draco.
Draco felt guilty from his father's words.
Then Draco left the castle and headed of to Deven's cottage.
Draco knocked on the door and Deven answered it.
"Hello Draco", said Deven in excitement.
"Hey Deven how are you", said Draco.
"I'm doing fantastic", said Deven.
"I'm glad to see you alive, in fact I actually have something for you today".
"Sorry Deven I'm not here magical legends today", said Draco.
"Oh then what are you here for", said Deven.
"You won't like it but I'm here to tell you to cover for me for something tomorrow", said Draco in a sad tone.
"What is it you want me to do", said Deven in concern.
I need you to watch the willow tree with the son of Leon", said Draco nervously.
"WHAT", yelled Deven.
"Draco are you crazy, that will lead to a battle"!
"I know", said Draco.
"But I'm busy tomorrow and I need your help, and he promised not to fight".
"Are you sure he won't attack me", said Deven nervously.
"I'm sure he won't", said Draco.
"Just make sure you don't attack either, this is urgent".
"Why is this so important", said Deven.
"Because the leaves of the tree must be protected", said Draco.
"The more people wish from the leaves, the more unbalanced the world will be, our kingdom could collapse."
"I don't remember the tree keeping the world in balance", said Deven in confusion.
"Come on Deven, do it for me", begged Draco.
"Ok Draco, I'll do it", confesses Deven.
"I won't like it though".
"Thank you Deven", said Draco in happiness.
"I promise this won't be everyday, just on special occasions".
Then Draco left and headed for the ancient willow tree.
As Draco arrived at the tree, he saw Leo walking up the hill.
"Hello son of Leon", said Draco in sass.
Leo sasses back.
"Hello dragon prince".
They both sighed and sat in front of each other.
"So how are you doing", said Leo.
"Good, except being around you", said Draco.
"Well you are strong", commented Leo.
"Maybe you should also be captain of the royal guards".
"Well I wish I could", replies Draco.
"But my dad is a little overprotective after I lost my mother".
"I'm.....I'm sorry about your mother", said Leo in a sad tone.
"She was the captain of the royal guards as well as the queen", said Draco.
"She was a strong and tough warrior and I don't believe she had ever cried in her entire life".
"But than one day she went to this same tree we came to and never returned".
"We assumed your people had slayed her".
"That's actually pretty sad", said Leo.
"Your mother sounds awesome".
"My parents aren't as overprotective as your dad is but still worry about me every time I leave the castle".
"You are pretty strong too son of Leon", commented Draco.
"Probably just as strong as me, maybe stronger"?
"I am making my way to be captain", said Leo.
"I just need more training".
"You are so lucky", said Draco.
"Ah come on, I'm pretty sure your dad will let you be captain one day", said Leo.
"At least your dad loves you".
"Yeah that's true", said Draco.
As the day goes by the two princes started to have a connection.
"You know", said Leo.
"Is it true one of your dragons slayed one our fellow lions long ago".
"I don't entirely know for sure if it is us", said Draco.
"Perhaps it might be another creature who did it and framed us".
"Non of us were there before we saw that lion dead", said Leo.
"My father said they saw him dead when they got up there and saw the dragon holding an axe".
"Perhaps maybe he was just using it to cut down the tree", said Draco
"Maybe that is the case but why would he cut down this magical tree", said Leo.
"Maybe he didn't know the tree was magic, he probably was just looking for wood", said Draco.
"Yeah maybe", said Leo.
"You know Gusadon was right", said Draco.
"We're not that different".
"Yeah we're not", said Leo.
"We both want to be captain and both have incredible powers", said Draco.
"And we both happen to have interest in this willow tree", said Leo.
"Yeah that too", said Draco.
"So anything we can do for fun", said Leo.
Draco thought about the fun things they can do together.
Then the ran around and wrestled each other, not fighting but playing.
Then they searched for grasshoppers in the grass.
Then a grasshopper jumped out of the grass as the two princes decided to hop along with the grasshopper.
Then they rolled around in mud and had a mud fight.
Leo and Draco laughed in joy as they played in the mud.
The day goes by and Leo and Draco layed on there backs watching the sunset.
"You know, your not so bad yourself", said Leo.
"Your not bad either", said Draco.
"You think we can hang out again", said Leo.
"Sure, but not tomorrow", said Draco.
"I am having dinner with the Panthers, so my friend Deven will fill in for me".
"Who's Deven", asked Leo.
"The wizard of scales kingdom", answered Draco.
"Oh okay", said Leo.
"Of course I'm busy too, so Lugo will fill in for me".
"What are you doing tomorow", asked Draco.
"I have a royal ball tomorrow", answered Leo.
"Well we better make sure our fill ins don't fight", said Draco.
"Yeah", said Leo.
"Well we must get going".
"Well I'll see you later son of Leon", said Draco.
"Please Dragon prince call me Leo", said Leo.
"Okay Leo, you can call me Draco", said Draco.
"Okay see you later Draco", said Leo.
They both waved goodbye and walked down the hill in the sunset.

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