The War

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Draco and Deven flew everyone above the battling lions and dragons watching them claw and bite each other.
"Alright Leo and I are gonna drop in in between our dads, you guys signal everyone", commanded Draco.
"Eyeyi sir", said Patchy.
Leo riding on Draco flew down to there fathers.
Everyone else gave out the signal.
As Leon and Drake were fighting they noticed some light and turned around and saw the sky lighted up.
Leon and Drake were confused and continued to battle.
"You should of never interfere with my kingdom with your son beastly lion", yelled Drake.
"Oh yeah, your a murderer", yelled Leon.
"Your the murderer who killed my wife", yelled Drake as he was swinging his battle axe at Leon.
Drake's battle axe was stoped by Draco's sword.
"Draco", yelled Drake.
Draco pushes on his dads battle axe and pushes him back.
"Draco have you lost it", yelled Drake.
"Sorry dad", said Draco.
"Dad we have something to tell you", said Leo.
"Son what are you doing with this dragon", asked Leon.
"Dad let me explain", said Leo.
Drake gets back up and charges after Leon.
Draco blocks the way.
"Draco let me through", yelled Drake.
"No dad we need to talk", yelled Draco.
"Explain why you teamed up with this terrible lions", yelled Drake.
"Your the ones who are terrible oversized lizards with wings", yelled Leon.
"Guys please, dad you have got to listen to us", said Leo.
"Why are you preventing me from destroying these bad dragons", yelled Leon.
"Dad they're not bad", yelled Leo.
"They killed on of our innocent peasants", yelled Leon.
Leon froze and was confused.
"Ha I told you we were innocent", yelled Drake.
"Hold on dad", said Draco.
"Dad it wasn't they who killed him", said Leo.
"Then who did", asked Drake.
"I can explain", said Deven as he was flying down.
Justin runs up to Deven.
"Deven, my trusty wizard, I thought you were eying my son and keeping him away from the tree", said Drake.
"It wasn't his fault your highness", said Deven.
"I was the reason the war started".
"Wait you killed one of our peasants", asked Leon.
"Let me speak", said Deven.
"I never killed any lion, but I took the blame for the one who did, so I could stay alive".
"So a lion killed another lion", asked Drake.
"No, a grim reaper named Gusadon is trying to take our kingdoms and needed your battle essence, so he killed the lion and he would blame the dragons for it", answered Deven.
"You were blamed by a grim so you can keep your life", said Drake.
"I understand if you hate me, Gusadon would kill me eventually anyway but kept me alive to collect your battle essence", said Deven.
"Your sons didn't know about Gusadon before then so they were used".
"He is real, but if you guys stop fighting and work together we can put an end to this madness and stop Gusadon from taking your kingdoms", said Justin.
"Wait a jack o lantern", asked Leon.
"Yeah dad", said Leo.
Dark clouds start to form across the sky.
Gusadon echoes the entire land.
"YOUR KINGDOMS ARE MINE", echoed Gusadon.
Gusadon appeared very big in the clouds.
"Is it just me or is Gusadon getting bigger", asked Lugo.
Gusadon rises an army of skeletons from the ground.
Sheldon and Samuel appeared in front of the army.
"You'll never defeat us", said Sheldon.
"I'll take care of these skeletons", said Justin.
"Okay we need to take down Gusadon, think we can do this together", asked Leo.
"Dad", said Draco.
"Okay", said Drake and Leon both.
"So we can fly up there and we use our powers to destroy Gusadon, lions can ride on the dragons and dragons can fly them up", explained Deven.
"Good plan", said Drake.
"Justin think you can distract the skeletons", asked Leo.
"Sure I can lead the army for a little bit", answered Justin.
"Okay when you hear the word dodo, that's when both the armies fly up and attack Gusadon", said Deven.
"Uh dodo", asked Justin.
"Just listen to the word", answered Deven.
"Okay okay", said Justin.
"Okay guys when we hear the word dodo, lions climb on the back of dragons and we all fly up and blast Gusadon with our powers".
"Now let's take down these skeletons"!
Everyone charges at the skeleton army and start taking them down easily but the skeletons get back up.
Leo climbs on Draco, Lugo climbs on Deven, and Leon climbs on Drake, then they flew up in front of Gusadon.
Gusadon laughs really loud.
Gusadon starts swinging his scythe at everyone in the the air.
Everyone dodges and spat and threw fireballs and lighting bolts and rocks from the earth.
Justin and both the armies along with the panthers are battling the skeletons.
Justin was battling Sheldon and Samuel.
"You think you'll ever be good for something idiot jacko", mocked Samuel.
"Yeah you will be dead before you even become a warrior", mocked Sheldon.
"No you will, because I have magic and all you have is some useless old weapons", said Justin.
Justin forms a magic fire sword and starts swinging it at the two skeletons.
The fire sword shoots out fire balls and explodes the skeletons into pieces.
But the pieces formed back together.
"Knock us down as many times as you want, you can't kill us unless Gusadon is defeated", said Samuel.
"Yeah I already know that, I was just distracting you until the signal, still think I'm an idiot, because I already know you go down easily", said Justin.
Gusadon stops attacking for a minute.
"YOU WILL ALL FALL TO ME", echoed Gusadon.
"YESSSS I DID", echoed Gusadon.
"YOU MONSTER", yelled Drake.
"PREPARE TO DIE", echoed Gusadon.
"Oh that's the signal", said Justin.
"Time to lift everyone"!
All the lions claimed on the dragons and flew up in the air.
"Oh one more thing before I lift myself", said Justin.
Justin knocked both the skeletons into dragon dodo.
"Ah gross", said Sheldon.
"How do you like it", said Justin.
Justin lifts himself into the air.
"Man that felt good".
Everyone flies up in the air in front of Gusadon.
"Ready everyone"!
"Alright Gusadon", said Leo.
"Prepare to fall", said Draco.
"FIRE", yelled Justin.
Everyone fires their powers at Gusadon.
Gusadon was able to block some of their attacks but most of them distracted Gusadon from pulling up his shield because there were too much for him to handle.
Everyone kept firing and Gusadon weakens.
Leo and Draco goes in front of Gusadon even closer.
"This is for our families, and friendship", said them both.
They formed a big ball of elements and fired it at Gusadon.
The ball was so strong that it tore Gusadon apart.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO", screamed Gusadon collapsing and shriveling into nothing.
Gusadon was turned into nothing and all the skeletons have fallen, including Sheldon and Samuel.
"Oh no", said both the skeletons.
The two skeletons collapsed into pieces for good this time.
The dark clouds despaired and showed a beautiful blue sky with a triple rainbow across the sky.
Everyone flew down and enjoyed the view.
"Draco", said Drake.
"I'm sorry for my behavior, I shouldn't of locked you in your room".
"It's okay dad, it wasn't your fault", said Draco.
"For now on, I will let you hang with this cute lion", said Drake.
"So does this mean you guys will stop fighting", asked Justin.
Leon and Drake looked at each other and noded.
"Yes", said Leon and Drake both.
"Yes", said Justin.
"So what do we now", asked Lugo.

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