Justin's Ambition

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Later that night Justin left the Leonus pride and came back to the willow tree then headed towards Scale kingdom.
Before he crossed to Scale kingdom he sat there and thought to himself.
"I can't wait to become general", said Justin.
"You're going to be a general", said Lugo.
Just noticing, Justin turned around.
"Of course I am", said Justin in excitement.
"Gusadon is going to make me general".
"Finally I can show those two boney jerks who's boss".
"That's great", said Lugo.
"Gee it sure is surprising that a grim reaper keeps our world in balance because usually grins are evil".
"Yeah I know right", said Justin with a lie.
"Hey where's Deven", asked Justin.
"He went back home for some reason", answered Lugo.
"He might of known Gusadon already".
"I'll go check on him", said Justin.
Then Justin went down the hill to Scale kingdom and headed towards Deven's cottage.
Before he made it to the cottage he bumped into the two skeletons.
"Hey jacko watch where your going", yelled Samuel.
"Excuse me", said Justin.
"I am your general".
"So", said Sheldon.
"So do not call me jacko anymore you boney jerks", said Justin.
"What", said Sheldon.
"You really think Gusadon is going to promise you to make you general", asked Samuel.
"Yes he will", answered Justin.
"That's the silliest thing I ever heard", said Sheldon.
Then the two skeletons started laughing at Justin.
"It's true", said Justin in an angry tone.
The skeletons continued laughing.
"Don't you know Gusadon doesn't keep promises for anyone", said Sheldon.
"No one except for me", said Justin.
"Actually no one except for me and Sam", said Sheldon.
Justin's heart sank but still didn't believe the two skeletons.
"That's not true", yelled Justin.
"Oh hello I'm Justin, Gusadon's idiot general hahahahahaha", teased Samuel.
The two skeletons continued to laugh.
"Stop laughing", yelled Justin.
"Or else what", said the two skeletons.
"Oh I don't know", said Justin.
"Your not even life treating either", said Sheldon.
"Yeah what a weakling", said Samuel.
Then the two skeletons shoved Justin in some sort of smelly dodo and walked away laughing.
Then Deven opened the door and saw Justin lying in the dodo.
"Oh Justin what are you doing lying in our dodo hole", said Deven.
Grossed out, Justin got up of the ground.
"Seriously", yelled Justin.
"Don't worry I'll wash you up", said Deven.
"Thanks", said Justin.
Deven took him inside the cottage and started up a bath for Justin.
"I feel much better", said Justin.
"No problem", replied Deven.
"Hey since your a wizard how come you didn't just clean me with your magic", asked Justin.
"I can't rely on my magic too much Justin", answered Deven.
"Sometimes you got to do things physically".
"Oh okay", said Justin.
"So do you know Gusadon because you left your post", asked Justin.
"Yes I do", answered Deven.
"I once made a deal with Gusadon after I used a leaf of the tree".
"In fact, I was the reason the war between us and the lions started".
"Really", asked Justin.
"Yeah", said Deven.
"This  story I'm about to tell you was before I was a wizard".
Then a flashback started to appear.
"I was going to get some wood but found that ancient willow tree just sitting on that hill".
"I walked up there to take a closer look, then a lion walked up there for the same reason as mine".
"We both decided to pull a leaf off, but then a dark cloud appeared killing the lion".
"Then Gusadon appeared out of the cloud and offered me a deal".
"If you can tell no one I killed the lion, I'll promise to not kill you", said flashback Gusadon.
"Okay I promise I won't tell anyone", said flashback Deven.
"I made a huge mistake".
"The lions saw me and started to attack".
"King Drake was angry then started to attack the lions".
"I knew I had to fix my mistake".
"So I found an old cottage and settled".
"I used my leaf to make me a wizard so I can fight Gusadon".
"But then I forgot until earlier I finally remembered what is was doing".
"I will now go back there and end this Gusadon business once and for all".
"Deven wait, if Gusadon is dead who will keep the world in balance", said Justin with a lie.
"What is Gusadon is lying", said Deven.
"I'm about to become general, he promised", said Justin.
"Gusadon does not keep his promises to anyone", said Deven.
"He keped me alive for now but I will be dead at some point".
"There must be some reason".
"So what if Gusadon is lying to you, what if doesn't make you general".
"Come with me Justin, we are going to the island".

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