The Rescue

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Draco flew above the clouds on the way to the Leonus pride.
As he was flying he saw something happening on the floating island.
He flew towards there and landed in the courtyard filled with graves and dead decaying bodies.
Draco walks up to the door and pushes slightly open.
Relieved that the door isn't locked, Draco peaked his head through the door.
He saw dark magic happening in the hourglassglass.
Then Gusadon walks up to the hourglass and started to get excited.
"This is it, tomorrow morning those two kings will battle to give me power", said Gusadon.
"I will rule this land".
"And no grim can keep the world in balance anyway, muahahahahahah".
Gusadon doesn't notice Draco was at the door.
So Draco heard everything and was destined to warn Leo.
But then Sheldon walked up to the hourglass and overheard him speaking to Gusadon.
"Ok boss", said Sheldon.
"Samuel is watching the prisoners".
"Good, now we will begin the dark clouds tomorrow morning, and the lions and dragons will be my slaves", said Gusadon excitedly.
"You hear that Deven, all because to keep you alive and a wish you managed to start the war and give me power".
"Wait Deven started this war", asked Draco to himself.
Then Draco turned around and spotted a giant skull gate with horns.
"That looks like a dungeon on an island this scary".
Then Draco flew to the dungeon gate and saw the gate closed.
Draco uses his fire breathe to melt the metal of the bars.
Then Draco waited a little bit for the heat to cool off then he walked in.
He sneaked in to look for Deven.
Then he found Deven, Lugo and Justin locked in a cell guarded by Samuel.
Draco attempts to get a good look then makes a slight noise by his hand slipping on a rock.
Samuel heard the noise from where Draco is hiding behind the wall.
Samuel moves forward to get a closer look then he attempts to jump at Draco but he was not there.
Draco climbed up on the dark ceiling blending in with the shadow.
Then little pebbles dropped on to Samuels helmet from the spot on the ceiling Draco was hanging.
Then Samuel looked up and Draco dropped on him and Draco knocked out Samuel with his head.
"Draco", said all three.
"Guys", said Draco.
Draco runs up to them.
"Hey guys, and Justin".
"Hehe, hi Draco", greeted Justin in guilt.
"Look I know I worked for Gusadon but let me explain".
"You can explain as soon as I can get you out of hear", said Draco.
Draco uses his fire breathe again to melt the iron bars.
"Thanks Draco but we have another problem", said Lugo.
"We can't use our powers with these things on us, and I can't even fly", explained Deven.
Deven showed his wings locked with some sort of divice, and they showed a magic and power restrictor.
"Aw man I hate those things", said Draco.
"Don't worry I'll get those things off of you, where's the key"?
"It's no good", said Justin.
"Gusadon has it and even if you are very quiet, he will catch you, even when he's not around the key and out of sight".
"How does he know", asked Draco.
"He senses everything which means you freeing us right now", answered Justin.
"Ok I have a pin with me, maybe I can pick the locks", said Draco.
"Hurry I think the grim knows", said Lugo in a panicky tone.
As Draco was picking Deven's lock, Gusadon appears out of nowhere.
"Well now the Dragon prince knows, Isn't this pleasant, hahahaha", said Gusadon in an evil tone.
"Wait you used me and Leo", asked Draco.
"You guys were the perfect plan for me to seize the two kingdoms", answered Gusadon.
"You don't keep the world in balance do you, you lied to us so you can have power, why did I ever trust you", yelled Draco.
"You fool, your father fighting king Leon brings me a lot of battle essence to me and my hourglass, despite that your mother is dead I'll still have enough power to rule the land, Muahahahahahah", said Gusadon in evil happiness.
"You know my mother", asked Draco.
"Yes, but she's gone because of me", answered Gusadon.
Then Gusadon reveals Draco's dead mother decaying in a dungeon cell.
"You monster, you killed my mother, not the lions, and you must be responsible for that lion peasant too", yelled Draco in anger.
"Heartbreaking isn't it, well I might as well destroy you now since your all out of the cell now", said Gusadon.
Gusadon attempts to strike with his scythe as Draco unlocked Deven's wings.
"Quick Lugo", screamed Draco.
"Justin hop on my back", yelled Deven.
Lugo and Justin hopes on the Dragons backs and attempts to fly.
They begin to fly away towards Gusadon as Gusadon attempts to strike them with his scythe but he misses and they flew off.
"Samuel wake up", commands Gusadon.
Samuel awakens and gets back up.
"Yes master", replied Samuel.
"I need you and Sheldon to go after those guys and destroy them once and for all", commands Gusadon.
"Yes master", replied Samuel.
Samuel exits the dungeon and looks for Sheldon to help him capture Draco and the other three.

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