Deven vs Gusadon

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Back at the ball, Leo was dancing with some fellow lions when a lion servent called him.
"Your highness, you have a message from uhhhh.......Larry", said the servent.
Leo grabs the scroll from the servent and runs into the main hall.
As Leo enters the hall, he reads the Dear Leo,
This scroll writen by Larry is actually Draco. Hey buddy how are you doing.
If you are sending me a scroll please call yourself Deus so my dad wouldn't find out I am friends with a lion. I am doing fine, how are you. Of course I hope Lugo and Deven are doing fine too. Anyway see you tomorrow buddy.
Sincerely Larry.
Leo then smiles with joy that Draco sent him a scroll.
"Ah Draco thank you" said Leo.
"In fact I shall send you a message".
Back at the tree Lugo is sitting there watching for lions.
Then Deven and Justin appeared in a magic cloud and startled Lugo.
"Hey what the", screamed Lugo.
"Sorry Lugo but I have no time to explain", said Deven.
"Where have you been", asked Lugo.
"I have no time to talk, come on Justin", answered Deven.
"Wait", screamed Lugo.
As Deven and Justin was about to elevate to the floating island Lugo decided to jump in and elevated with them.
All three have reached the island and headed towards Gusadon's lair.
"Deven care to explain what is going on", asked Lugo in a screaming tone.
"I must face Gusadon", answered Deven.
"Wait out here Lugo".
But Lugo didn't obey Deven's words.
"Why are you facing Gusadon he keeps the world in balance", said Lugo.
"He does not keep the world in balance", yelled Deven.
Lugo was shocked.
"Wait what", said Lugo in confusion.
Then Gusadon and the two skeletons appeared.
"What is all the commotion out here", asked Gusadon.
"Master I have Deven grunting that you killed the lion", said Justin.
"Is that true"?
"Oh Deven I thought you would come after me sooner", said Gusadon in an evil tone.
"I got sidetracked", said Deven in an angry tone.
"Now you will pay for what you made me do".
"Wait what is going on here", asked Lugo.
"Gusadon killed the lion and I took the blame, and now I have to fix my mistake", answered Gusadon.
"Master", said Justin.
Sheldon steps in front of Justin.
"Stay back Justin it's time to take down this lizard with wings", said Sheldon.
Deven fully offended, he bursts with rage.
"Well mister skelly you are a freaky meatless decaying jerk", yelled Deven.
Then the two skeletons leaped at Deven and Deven used his magic shield to push them away.
Then Gusadon pulls out his scythe and leaps towards Deven.
Then Deven pulls out his magic staff and blocks Gusadon's scythe.
Deven and Gusadon strikes and blocks with their weapons over and over until Gusadon punches Deven with his dark magic hand.
Deven was hit bad but still jade his vigilance.
Deven shoot out fire balls from his mouth aiming towards Gusadon.
Then Gusadon uses his dark magic to form a shield to protect him from the fire balls.
After the fire balls are done Gusadon let's down his shield and blasts dark magic balls from his hands towards Deven.
Deven was able to dodge most of the balls and used his staff to block the others.
In only one second, Deven shoots lightning from his staff and hits Gusadon right on the chest.
Gusadon was knocked down but didn't take much damage.
Gusadon floats back up and lights his scythe on fire.
Then Sheldon and Samuel got back up and stood beside Gusadon.
"Oh dear", said Deven in fear.
Back at the Dragon castle Deven sat in the feast room board as heck listening to the Panthers talking with Drake.
Then a Dragon servent comes in with a tray.
He walks up to Draco and lifts the lid off and revealed a scroll.
Draco grabs the scroll off the tray.
"Thank you", said Draco.
The servent didn't say anything but he nodded and left.
Draco opened the scroll and read it.
Dear Draco,
Thank you for that scroll you sent me.
I appreciate that you haven't forgot about me during our events.
And yes in the scrolls I shall be known as Deus and you'll be known as Larry.
Well see you tomorrow.
Sincerely Deus.
Patricia attempted to look at the scroll.
"Ah is that a scroll from your new friend Deus", said Patricia.
"Uh this scroll should not be looked at by anyone but me, it's a secret", said Draco.
"Yeah Patricia it's a secret scroll quit peaking", said Patchy.
"That is very nice of him to send you a message", said Drake.
"Yeah it sure is dad", said Draco.
"Well I hope Deven is doing okay right now".
Back at the island Deven and Gusadon continued to battle.
The skeletons attempted to leap on Deven but Deven was able to push them back easily.
Almost not paying attention, Gusadon rushes forward and attempts to strike Deven with his scythe.
Deven was able to block Gusadon's strike in time but Gusadon pushes Deven back further and further until finally Gusadon uses his magic to blast Deven back.
Deven dropped his staff and attempts to get it back with his magic but Gusadon stops it with his foot and holds his scythe above Deven.
Deven was weakened and tired to even fight back.
Lugo and Justin stood there looking surprised in fear.
"Do you yield", asked Gusadon excitedly.
Deven is too weak to fight back so he had to surrender.
"Yes I yield", answered Deven in sadness.
"Lock him up boys", commands Gusadon.
"Yes master", said both the skeletons.
"Wait", yelled Lugo.
"Is it true you killed the lion Gusadon, and do you really keep the world in balance"?
"Yes, I killed the lion", answered Gusadon.
"And did you really think I kept the world in balance"?
"He started the war to gain power", said the skeletons.
"They're right Lugo", said Justin.
"Gusadon doesn't keep the world in balance, but the tree does balance his powers".
"Lock up this lion too", commands Gusadon.
"He has seen and heard too much we can't ha e him warn the princes".
"Hey get your hand off me", commands Lugo.
"Leo I hope you can notice what is really happening right now".
The skeletons took Lugo and Deven into the dark dungeon and locked them up.

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