t h i r t e e n

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This, this right here was JJ's biggest fear. It was time to show Nathan to Phoebe's parents. Whom never knew what the babies gender was, who was the father, if she gave birth, that she was even pregnant, and most importantly that she had died. Simon made sure of it, Phoebe had parents that made everyone disgusted. Simon promised himself of it once the two turned eighteen she would be gone for sight.

So that's exactly what he did, he moved Phoebe into his house and decorated a small corner for her. Full of the colorful glow in the dark stars she so strongly loved. Which happen to also be in Nate's nursery. Often times Simon's parents would joke and say they had four kids, three boys and one girl. Although both the Minter family and Phoebe wished that would become reality.

Simon couldn't count the amount of bruises and crying heard from Phoebe. Although he was the only one to know, she didn't want to appear weak to anyone but him. It made him feel both valued and alarmed. He didn't like knowing she wouldn't tell anyone, but he did enjoy knowing she loved him enough to tell him. JJ only slightly knew of Phoebe's parents, she only told him a small snippet after he caught her crying to Simon.

To which now he was at their door, holding there soon to be eighteen month grandson. Who ever said people weren't scary, JJ would beg to differ.

so the books almost over and i'd like to thank everyone of you all for always reading and voting and commenting. even when i was gone for MONTHS i'm sorry. but thank you all for the support! and expect a wroetoshaw fanfiction in the near future? MAYBE though. okay thank you again.


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